Accelerating procedures to commence construction of Hoa Binh Hydropower Plant Extension project by the end of 2020

On 24 September 2019, Mr. Ho Sy Hung - Vice Chairman of the Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises led a mission to visit the project site and work with Vietnam Electricity on the implementation of Hoa Binh Hydropower Plant Extension project.

 Hoa Binh Hydropower Plant Extension Project:

- Project investor: Vietnam Electricity

- Construction location: Hoa Binh city, Hoa Binh province

- Total investment cost: VND 9,220 billion

- Capacity: 2 x 240MW

- Electricity output: 488.3 million kWh/year

- Funding source: 30% of the project cost is self-financed by the project owner as the counterpart fund, the remaining 70% is financed by commercial loans

- Expected construction commencement in 4th Quarter of 2020 and expected completion in 2023

 "This is a key power generation project, which has received a special attention from the Government and the Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises", affirmed Mr. Ho Sy Hung.

In order to commence the project in the fourth quarter of 2020, the Commission's leaders have agreed to empower EVN's Board of Directors to make project investment decision and take responsibility before the Commission. This will bestow more activeness on EVN in the implementation of the project, as well as will save time.

Immediately after the meeting, the Commission will quickly finalize and approve procedures under its authority to start the project according to the targeted schedule.

Mr. Ho Sy Hung requested the functional units of the Commission to control the project implementation schedule, enhance the collaboration with EVN, and report to the Commission's leaders to immediately solve outstanding issues with the aim of implementing the project on schedule and with satisfactory quality.

Mr. Ho Sy Hung requested EVN to pay due attention to the environmental impact assessment of the project. In addition, it is necessary for EVN to apply information technology to project management in order to save time and manpower.

Mr. Ho Sy Hung spoke and directed at the meeting

The Power Project Management Board No.1 has been authorized by Vietnam Electricity to manage and implement the project. This Board has been experienced in managing large scale hydropower projects such as Son La and Lai Chau. Power Engineering Consulting Joint Stock Company No.1 is a leading consulting company in the field of hydropower. Therefore, EVN is fully confident that the project implementation schedule and quality will be controlled and ensured after relevant approvals are made by the competent authorities to commence project construction - said Mr. Nguyen Tai Anh, Vice President of EVN.

This project will set an example so that other EVN’s hydropower projects such as Tri An and Ialy hydropower plant extension projects can follow.

Hoa Binh Hydropower Plant Extension project has been studied since 2009, being included in the revised 7th Master Plan. The Ministry of Industry and Trade approved the inclusion of the project into the Da River Hydropower Cascade Master Plan on 2 December 2016.

The Environmental Impact Assessment report of the project has been approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment since January 2018. The site investigations and surveys have been commenced since October 2018.

According to Mr. Pham Hong Phuong - Director of Power Project Management Board No.1, up to now, the development of the project’s technical design and specialized reports has been basically completed. A foreign consulting company has been conducting the review of these documents and it is expected that the technical design will be completed and transferred to another consultant for independent review in November 2019.

Mr. Pham Hong Phuong - Director of Power Project Management Board No.1 is giving a presentation on the project during the site visit of the mission

The project takes advantage of the existing infrastructure of Hoa Binh Hydropower Plant, including: reservoir, dam and spillway. New construction structures include: intake channel, intake, tunnel, powerhouse, downstream discharge channel and 500kV connection system. The plant's equipment are using modern technology in synchronization with the existing Hoa Binh Hydropower Plant.

  • 25/09/2019 02:06
  • 1946