Applying scientific and technological achievements to power system operation

The rapid growth of Vietnam's power sector has posed many challenges to the dispatch of power system. However, the National Load Dispatch Center (EVNNLDC) has constantly studied, created and applied many modern scientific and technological achievements in the operation of power system.

Promoting automation in system operation

Mr. Vu Xuan Khu - Deputy Director of EVNNLDC said that Vietnam's power system has experienced robust development, with the average growth rate of electricity output up to more than 10% per year. In order to operate the power system and the electricity market safely, reliably and economically, EVNNLDC has determined that the application of scientific and technological achievements to power system operation is extremely important.

Over the past time, thanks to the attention and empowerment of Vietnam Electricity, EVNNLDC has invested in and applied many modern technologies. Typically, the new generation of SCADA/EMS system has been officially put into operation since the beginning of 2016. This is a system for data acquisition, monitoring and controlling the entire power system of Vietnam from 110kV to 500kV voltage levels, enabling dispatchers to grasp data of the power system status in the most comprehensive and accurate manner.  This system is associated with energy management software and applications that allow real-time automated analysis of the power system. This is also a useful tool for dispatchers to make their operation decisions in the most prompt and reasonable way.

Previously, dispatchers in their working shifts made dispatching instructions by using telephones to communicate with power plants. However, as the power system was growing and the workload became heavier, the use of telephones could not meet the requirements. At that time, the Center put into operation the Dispatch Instruction Management system (DIM). This system has enabled the communication of power system dispatching information between the load dispatching center and power plants through a computer system. With this system, each dispatcher can send about 10 dispatching instructions within a few minutes, etc.

EVNNLDC has applied many scientific and technological achievements in the operation of power system and electricity market

Especially, in the first 6 months of 2019, when renewable energy power stations were massively integrated into the power system, causing a serious overload status for the power grids in Ninh Thuan and Binh Thuan provinces, EVNNLDC has adopted the Automatic Generation Control technology (AGC) for wind and solar power plants. This system would automatically monitor and optimally adjust the power output of renewable energy power stations in real time, ensuring the power grid operating within the permitted thresholds. By this way, the power system has been operating safely and reliably. The application of modern technologies enables EVNNLDC to not only operate the power system safely, reliably and economically, but also improve their labor productivity.

There are still many challenges

EVNNLDC is striving to become one of the leading organizations in the Southeast Asia region in researching and applying high technology to the operation of power system and electricity market by 2025. To achieve this goal, the Center has been carrying out research projects to apply achievements of the industrial revolution 4.0 such as: studying the application of Big Data, AI (artificial intelligence) in load forecast for the national power system, regional power systems and for power corporations; application of AI technology in the forecast of water inflows in hydropower reservoirs; studying the application of Big Data and AI technologies in the operation of Renewable Energy Integration with Energy Storage Systems in the national power system, etc.

However, in the process of studying and putting into use these projects, the Center has encountered many difficulties and challenges. Because AI, Big Data, Blockchain, IoT technological applications, etc. are all very novel, complex and beyond the operation area of EVNNLDC. Therefore, the Center has spent a lot of time in studying and selecting appropriate solutions and technologies.

In addition, advanced technologies to be applied in the operation of power system is intensively specialized, complicated, requiring inclusive and thorough studies and considerations so as to be capable of mastering and operating them safely and effectively. Therefore, the Center has decided that the possession of high quality human resources is one of the key factors for the Center to conquer new technologies.

EVNNLDC will keep on organizing training and retraining courses for their power system operators in the country and send them to foreign countries for training, learning, constantly improving the quality of human resources, meeting increasingly demanding requirements. At the same time, in the process of studying the Projects of Industry 4.0, the Center has also actively cooperated with relevant organizations, contractors in learning, gradually grasping and mastering  new technologies.

  • 26/09/2019 11:48
  • 866