Attending the program on GIZ's side were Mr. Sven Ernedal, Director of C&I Rooftop Solar; Dr. Thomas Holtkamp, international lecturer, GIZ expert and Mr. Voss Torben, energy expert from Como Consult GmgH Company (Germany).
On the Vietnam Electricity's side was Vice President Vo Quang Lam.
EVN’s Vice President Vo Quang Lam (first on the left) and Mr. Sven Ernedal, Director of CIRTS awarding certificates to participants in training program.
Speaking at the program, EVN’s Vice President Vo Quang Lam said that as of October 2023, the total installed capacity of Vietnam's power system is 79,130 MW, of which renewable energy including wind power and solar power accounts for about one fourth. Renewable energy capacity, especially solar power, has increased rapidly in recent years, bringing Vietnam to the top 10 countries with the highest increase in renewable energy capacity in the world. According to EVN’s Vice President, the development of Vietnam's power sector is both an achievement but also creates many challenges, especially for the management team of EVN and its member units.
The 2.5-day training program includes the following contents: essential elements of the change management process, change implementation process, building structure and implementing changes; leadership in the VUCA period (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity); change management strategy development cycle and tools, etc. from GIZ's international lecturers.
In addition, the participants also attended a peer-to-peer sharing session by the Head of Human Resources and Quality Department of EGAT (Thailand) about human resource management strategy, positioning of a power utility, medium to long-term strategy on carbon neutrality of EGAT.
Change management plays an important role for any business. For EVN, in the context of the on-going digital transformation and energy transition, EVN has only one path to go: to flexibly adapt and invest the necessary resources so that the change process takes place effectively. During that process, based on its experience, GIZ has been involved in supporting EVN to improve the management capacity of EVN’s employees and engineers operating the power system.
In 2023 alone, EVN has coordinated with GIZ to organize 3 training programs for EVN managers on "Change management in energy transition", including 1 class for level 1 managers and level 1 successors, 2 classes for level 3 managers.
Some photos in the training program for EVN level 3 managers on "Change management in energy transition":
EVN’s Vice President Vo Quang Lam speaking at program.
Mr. Sven Ernedal, Director of GIZ's CIRTS, speaking at program.
GIZ's international lecturers presenting at program on "Change management in energy transition"
Dr. Thomas Holtkamp, international lecturer and GIZ expert presenting essential elements of change management process.
Participants in discussions about EVN’s corporate culture and leadership thinking in digital transformation and energy transition.