Conclusion by the Government Standing Committee on the situation of power supply and the supply of coal and gas for power production

The Government Office issued Document No. 108/TB-VPCP dated 13 April 2022 announcing the conclusions of the Government Standing Committee at the meeting on the situation of power supply and the issue of supplying coal and gas for power production.

Duyen Hai Power Center (Tra Vinh province)

One of the conclusions in the announcement, the Government Standing Committee (GSC) assessed domestic resources, domestic power production capacity and power import capacity, showing that the national power system as a whole can ensure power supply. However, there is still a potential risk of local power shortage in areas, especially in the North. However, the general requirement is to ensure a sustainable power supply, avoid an energy crisis, meet the production, business and consumption requirements of the people, at the same time, ensure reasonable prices, appropriate control, not cause negative impacts on inflation and the large balances of import and export, revenue and expenditure of the state budget.

The GSC requires groups: EVN, PVN, VINACOMIN and domestic power enterprises to effectively implement the directions of state agencies, strengthen coordination in electricity development; actively follow up market developments in order to have appropriate product and business plans, invest and develop methodically in both the immediate and long-term mode, focus on technological innovation, catch up with the development of modern technologies in the development of the energy industry, ensuring sustainable and efficient development.

In order to firmly ensure energy security and power supply security in 2022 and the following years, one of the requirements assigned by the GSC to the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) is to study and promulgate appropriate mechanisms and policies to create conditions for the coal and gas industry to have a long-term, stable production plan, bring the most benefits, efficiency, and best attainment to the country, and report issues beyond its authority.

The MOIT was assigned to assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance (MOF) and relevant agencies in, properly settling the relations between input fuel prices and output power prices according to the market mechanism but with state regulation when necessary. It is also required to step up the effective implementation of the program on saving power, converting green and clean energy; coordinating research to promote domestic production, technology application, innovation, and increasing labor productivity in the energy field.

The GSC assigned the MOF to preside over and related agencies to urgently review and guide issues related to coal prices, in line with the socialist-oriented market economy in each period, ensuring the harmony of interests between the State, enterprises and people; closely coordinate with the MOIT in implementing and administering the electricity retail price mechanism according to regulations.


  • 15/04/2022 01:54
  • 296