EVN: Promoting the campaign “Vietnamese people prioritize using Vietnamese goods” associated with patriotic emulation movements

The campaign "Vietnamese people prioritize using Vietnamese goods" and promoting Vietnamese goods have been intensively and extensively deployed by Party committees, professional organizations, and socio-political organizations across Vietnam Electricity (EVN). Communication and stimulation activities have always been integrated into patriotic emulation movements, labor, production and business emulation movements in the past time.

On August 11, in Hanoi, the Party Committee of the Central Enterprises Division held a conference on “Solutions to accelerate the implementation of the campaign "Vietnamese people prioritize using Vietnamese goods" and the policy of groups, corporations, banks and units in the Division prioritizing using each other's services and products".

Leaders of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Party Committee of the Central Enterprises Division, the Party Committee of EVN listened to EVN’s introduction about the application of science and technology in customer care.

The communication and stimulation activities for the campaign "Vietnamese people prioritize using Vietnamese goods" and promoting Vietnamese goods have been carried out by party committees, professional organizations, and socio-political organizations through communication channels of the Group.

Comrade Do Van Chien - Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, Head of the Central Steering Committee of the Campaign “Vietnamese people prioritize using Vietnamese goods”, was experiencing scientific and technological applications of EVN

Bringing research, development, and application of the Industry 4.0 technological advancements into production and business activities is an inevitable trend and a breakthrough to realize the goal of "Vietnamese people prioritize using Vietnamese goods”. EVN has launched an emulation movement by organizing a contest “Searching for Digital Transformation ideas and initiatives on the EVN Colleagues Facebook group”. Thousands of entries have been submitted with lots of digital transformation ideas. This is an important source of data for EVN because it is EVN’s employees that will contribute to improving the rate of using domestic goods, contributing to the realization and putting of Vietnamese ideas into building digital enterprise models in the power sector and EVN’s digital transformation roadmap.

In recent years, many initiatives and software products of EVN-affiliated units have won State awards like the Digital Transformation Award and Sao Khue Award in 2020 and 2021, such as the products "Providing electricity services by electronic transaction mode" and "Integrated information system of electronic office and administrative utilities". In 2022, an application product serving employees in Vietnam Electricity won the "Sao Khue Award 2022" is in the field of corporate management and administration.

Leaders of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Party Committee of the Central Enterprises Division visited the exhibition booth of EVN

Vietnam Electricity has also announced and awarded prizes for 6 "Made by EVN" products. The group has registered 3 "Made in Vietnam" products that have been launched by the Ministry of Information and Communications, including CPC EMEC electronic meters; Metering data acquisition software (EVNHES); Fast charging stations for electric vehicles.

Also within the framework of the conference, there was an opening ceremony for displaying and introducing products and services of enterprises in the Division. In which, EVN had a booth exhibiting its digital transformation activities.

  • 11/08/2022 10:57
  • evn.com.vn
  • 444