EVNGENCO 3: Efficient production and business performance

​​​​​​​In 2021, despite the severe impacts of the pandemic, Power Generation Corporation 3 - JSC (EVNGENCO 3) undertook the management and operation of power plants in a reliable and stable manner, meeting the dispatching mode of the system; flexibly adapted to the complicated situation of COVID-19. Thereby, the Corporation contributed to ensuring national energy security, as well as achieved profitable business results in accordance with the resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders.

Efficient production and business performance

EVNGENCO3's electricity generation output in 2021 was 29,608 billion kWh, of which coal-fired power plants accounted for the highest proportion (47%). EVNGENCO 3 also achieved and exceeded 13/14 efficiency, economic and technical targets. Accordingly, it is worth noting that the heat rate decreased sharply compared to 2020, bringing high economic efficiency to the power plants; ensuring availability factors of power plants to respond to the system’s requirements at all times.

In the past year, 100% of the ash and slag of Mong Duong 1 Thermal Power Plant and Ninh Binh Thermal Power Plant was consumed; in Vinh Tan 2 Thermal Power Plant, this consumption rate was 62.67%, the highest since its commercial operation. Power plants strictly and fully complied with regulations on environmental protection; environmental monitoring parameters were all within the allowable limits and transmitted online to the local department of natural resources and environment for monitoring.

Besides, EVNGENCO 3 performed effectively with the profit exceeding the targeted plan; satisfactorily carried out investment and construction activities and put into operation 2 power units of Upper Kon Tum Hydropower Plant; completed the final settlement of the equitization, etc.

Regarding the digital transformation, EVNGENCO 3 has taken strong steps. The Corporation has applied information technology in equipment maintenance using RCM (reliability centered maintenance) method in hydropower plants - an advanced approach widely used in the world; designed and put into use the DashBoard for production management and administration at all levels; deployed an online transformer monitoring system; applied the Digital Worker on the field, etc.

In 2021, the Corporation was honored to be named at the "Vietnam Digital Awards 2021" ceremony in the category of typical digital technology products and solutions with the solution "Operation log software at power plants”.

In parallel with production and business activities, last year, EVNGENCO 3 supported and accompanied local authorities in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. The Corporation cooperated with a number of businesses to donate high-flow oxygen, compressed air and vacuum systems for the Hospital for Tropical Diseases in Ho Chi Minh city, the COVID-19 Resuscitation Hospital and Hung Vuong Hospital; participated in the program to supply and exchange oxygen cylinders at home free of charge in Ho Chi Minh City - Thu Duc Oxy ATM; sponsored 47 disadvantaged students who were orphaned due to the COVID-19 pandemic, etc.

Promoting cost savings

In 2022, EVNGENCO 3 aims to secure sufficient fuel supplies for power units to operate safely, uninterruptedly and economically, with an estimated generation output of 27.4 billion kWh. Along with that, the Corporation strives to realize economic and technical targets; coordinating with partners to invest in Long Son Power Center project - phase 1; studying and promoting investment in other new power generation projects when master plan No.8 is approved; taking solutions to promote stable and long-term consumption of ash and slag of thermal power plants.

At the same time, the Corporation also keeps on developing and implementing the project of corporate restructuring and improving financial capacity in the period of 2021 - 2025; effectively implementing EVN's theme of the year "Safe, flexible and effective adaptation".

Some photos at the Conference on reviewing the corporate performance in 2021 and deploying the 2022 plan of EVNGENCO 3:

Mr. Tran Xuan Dien - Secretary of the Party Committee of the Grassroots Division of the Ministry of Industry and Trade in Ho Chi Minh City (left) awarded the Certificate of Merit of Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee for EVNGENCO 3 for outstanding achievements in the fight against COVID-19


Mr. Duong Quang Thanh - Chairman of EVN's Board of Directors awarded  Emulation Flags of the Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises to EVNGENCO 3 collectives with excellent achievements in 2021


Mr. Tran Dinh Nhan – EVN’s President and CEO awarded EVN’s Certificates of Merit to the collectives that successfully completed the tasks in 2021

Outstanding figures of EVNGENCO3 in 2021:

- Power generation output: 29.6 billion kWh.

- Completed 55 major equipment and structure maintenance projects in a safe and good quality manner.

- Achieved 13/14 economic and technical targets according to the plan assigned by EVN.

- Total profit before tax: estimated at VND 3,414 billion.

- Payment to the State budget of the parent company: estimated at VND 2,217 billion.

- Total budget for social security work: about VND 35 billion.

  • 12/01/2022 04:38
  • evn.com.vn
  • 209