EVNGENCO2 determines to complete production and business plan assigned by AGM successfully

On June 21, 2024, Power Generation Corporation 2 - JSC (EVNGENCO2) successfully held the 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM). The meeting was attended by 33 shareholders who directly owned/authorized representatives for 1,186,421,567 shares, accounting for 99.98% of the total votes.

Shareholders vote on contents at the meeting

In 2023, EVNGENCO2's power output reached approximately 16 billion kWh; the total contribution of the Corporation to the State budget is estimated at VND 2,079 billion. Of which, EVNGENCO2 alone contributed VND 442 billion to the budget of Can Tho City.

Mr. Dinh The Phuc - Member of EVN Board of Directors gives speech at the meeting

Highly appreciating the achievements of EVNGENCO2, Mr. Dinh The Phuc – a Member of the EVN Board of Directors suggested: "The Corporation needs to be determined to ensure the repair and maintenance progress, ensuring that no incidents occur after overhaul and maintenance; directs Thermal Power units to ensure sufficient fuel, all power plants to ensure spare materials and equipment for regular repairs, meeting mobilization in all situations; promptly studies and develops a fuel convert project for Pha Lai 1 Thermal Power Plant to ensure environmental requirements; completes legal procedures, calculate feasibility for Huong Phung and Cong Hai wind power projects; ensures progress for fuel convert project of O Mon I Thermal Power Plant...".

Mr. Tran Phu Thai - Chairman of EVNGENCO2 Board of Directors speak at the conference

  • 23/06/2024 11:50
  • Thu Hường dịch
  • 79