EVN's journey to becoming a digital enterprise

With the promotion of technology application in production and business activities, Vietnam Electricity (EVN) is rapidly progressing on the path to becoming a digital enterprise.

Being determined to become a digital enterprise

Implementing Resolution No. 52-NQ/TW dated 27 September 2019 of the Politburo, on 5 November 2018, EVN's Member Board issued Resolution No. 473/NQ-HDTV approving the Scheme, and at the same time issued Decision No. 290/QD-EVN on 6 November 2018 approving the Scheme "Research, development, and application of technology of Industrial Revolution 4.0 into production and business activities of Vietnam Electricity".

EVN has completed the database of the Project Management Information System (PMIS): digitizing 100% of 220kV transmission grid equipment; 100% of power Groups have completed digitizing 80% of 110kV grid equipment; IT application in repair work by CBM method for substations from 110kV, in which power Groups have achieved 90% of assigned tasks.

Notably, EVN has assigned EVNNPT and EVNCPC to test the application of AI in image processing and recognition technology in the inspection and monitoring of the line corridor with photographic equipment and smart flying devices. EVNNPT is testing the application of AI image analysis Da Nang - Thanh My 500kV, Da Nang - Hoa Khanh 220kV transmission line at the stage of image collection and AI training. EVNCPC has organized to collect images of power grid problems, built an AI module to analyze snapshot data, and integrated PMIS.

Interacting with customers through digital channels

According to EVN, telecommunications and IT infrastructure play a key role in EVN's digital transformation process, and the Group is focusing on implementing 5 key tasks of the telecommunications and IT fields, including Building and setting up a Cloud Computing system (EVN's Cloud); Implementing integration axis and ESB/MDM Shared Data Administration; Building shared database and data architecture; Selecting and building application platform architecture (Platform); Building a network security operations center (SOC).

In parallel with the process of perfecting and correcting business processes in the above fields of digital transformation, the Group has directed to upgrade application software towards being capable to operate on the new infrastructure platform, which can operate on smart mobile devices. In addition, the Group organizes to research new technology platforms such as AI, BigData, IoT, Blockchain and put them into application in the production and business fields of the Group.

In 2022, EVN is striving to complete the 66 tasks set out in the 2021-2022 period in the Master Plan for Digital Transformation in Vietnam Electricity.

  • 31/05/2022 03:31
  • evn.com.vn
  • 455