Greater reliability from EVNHCMC's “Make By EVN” OMS software

During the period 2011 to 2021, Ho Chi Minh City Power Corporation (EVNHCMC) has synchronously and effectively implemented several construction and modernization solutions for greater reliability in power supply, specifically:

SAIFI decreased from 25.04 to 0.54 times/customer, an annual reduction of 32.71%; SAIDI dropped from 3.433 to 41 minutes/customer, equivalent to a 35.57% annual reduction (Figure 1).

Figure 1: SAIFI and SAIDI of EVNHCMC power distribution network from 2011-2021

In terms of power supply reliability, EVNHCMC identifies outage data management as the most crucial improvement enabler, which requires specific and effective procedures, regulations and management tools. Therefore, EVNHCMC has strived forward and developed the Outage Management System (OMS) based on the Single-line Diagram. This type of system is the first ever in Vietnam, researched and developed by the engineering and technical specialist team of EVNHCMC based on a platform of the advanced core software. The system is highly compatible and can easily integrate with special systems currently used by the Power Sector. The program is developed and copyrighted by EVNHCMC, hence free of annual license expenses. The maintenance and upgrade of the system require only internal resources without involving any external suppliers. Moreover, the system is currently implemented by all units of EVN. At the beginning of 2022, EVNHCMC’s OMS is recognized as one of the very six products certified as “Make by EVN”.

Therefore, the Outage Management System is always at the core attention of EVNHCMC's R&D activities, continuously updated with advanced features. In addition to the basic features of reliability index update, summary, and calculation, the System has recently equipped with some highly useful new features:

1. The power grid is illustrated using a user-friendly, intuitive and dynamic single-line diagram (similar to the operation diagram), which helps minimize errors in grid design and update (Figure 2);

Figure 2: The power grid in a single-line diagram

2. Improved integration with other systems for better grid management (Figure 3):

  • Integration with the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to enhance service quality with accurate and timely outage notices (automatic advance notifications for planned outages, information and estimated time of recovery for power incidents via SMS, Zalo and Customer Service application, etc.)
  • Integration with the Geographic Information System (GIS) for developing outage management view on geographical maps (Figure 4), similar to the GIS map used in traffic management;
  • Integration with Project Management Information System (PMIS) for automatic generation of internal technical management reports and EVN regulatory technical management reports.

Figure 3: Integration model of OMS and other systems

Figure 4: GIS map used in outage management

3. Automatic data sharing with: (i) the SCADA system at 58 100kV and 220kV electrical substations and 2.877 medium voltage reclosers, RMUs, LBSs; (ii) the telemetry system of 30,963 main meters at distribution substations (93.69%) via data diode and enterprise service bus (ESB) to ensure information security during data sharing, and in time enabling automatic update without manual interception for greater accuracy and integrity in outage management. This feature enables instant detection and display of outage information at distribution substation level.

4. Online proposal and approval of outage plans with digital signature integrated: all processes from proposal and approval of outage plans to sending outage notifications to customers are digitalized (Figure 5).

Figure 5: Online proposal and approval of outage plans

OMC implementation results at EVNHCMC:

- Implemented and further improving data sharing with SCADA and telemetry systems, targeting automatic update of outage data for higher productivity, greater accuracy and transparency in outage management.

- Utilizing data on power cut, power supply and load rerouting on OMS to enable automatic and online calculation of losses on medium voltage lines. This is one of the most effective and accurate ways to estimate losses on medium voltage lines, which facilitates solutions for reducing power loss.

- Adopting Big Data in the development of a system to collect, summarize, manage and utilize outage data as well as creating Business Intelligence (BI) reports, promoting solutions to minimize incidents and outage, and enhance power supply reliability and quality.

- Enhancing business and production effectiveness and accuracy by applying artificial intelligence (AI) in building forecasting models and analyzing power supply reliability.

The successful introduction and implementation of the new Outage Management System with single-line diagram has greatly contributed to the improvement of power grid management, customer service quality and especially the power supply reliability of EVNHCMC. In the end, the system stands as the proof for the collective dynamism and creativity of EVNHCMC as well as reaffirming the orientation towards increasing application of IT and Industry 4.0 innovations in EVN's operation.

  • 17/06/2022 05:04
  • PV
  • 1944