Grid connection, operational management, and technical aspects of offshore wind power development

It is the topic of a workshop jointly organized by Vietnam Electricity (EVN), the Offshore Wind Task Force under the Vietnam Energy Partnership Group (VEPG), and the German Development Cooperation Organization (GIZ) on the afternoon of June 1 in Hanoi.

Attending the workshop were Mr. Nguyen Tai Anh – EVN’s Vice President; Mr. Pham Hong Phuong – EVN’s Vice President; representatives of EVN's functional departments.

On the VEPG side, there was Mr. Sven Ernedal - Head of the Offshore Wind Task Force, Vietnam Energy Partnership Group.

Representatives of international organizations include Embassies of Great Britain, Australia, and Denmark; World Bank (WB); Vietnam Business Forum; Global Wind Energy Council, etc.

In 2017, the Government of Vietnam and international development partners officially established the VEPG to strengthen cooperation, dialogue, and exchange of experiences and information in the energy sector. Within the framework of VEPG, 5 technical working groups were created, including strategic planning of the power sector; renewable energy; grid integration and grid infrastructure; energy efficiency, and energy markets.

Speaking at the opening of the workshop, EVN’s Vice President Nguyen Tai Anh stated that in order to ensure both energy security and sustainable economic development, the electricity industry has been facing many challenges to supply sufficient electricity, with satisfactory quality and affordable price. At the United Nations Climate Change Summit 2021 (COP-26), the Government of Vietnam made a strong commitment that Vietnam will reach its net-zero carbon emission target by 2050.

EVN’s Vice President Nguyen Tai Anh speaking at the workshop opening

Along with the electrification process and the development of distributed energy sources, the study, investment, and construction of offshore wind power projects shall contribute to accelerating and shaping the energy transition process; promoting Vietnam to realize its carbon neutrality goals.

According to international practice, putting an offshore wind power project into operation takes about 8 to 9 years of preparation and investment implementation. With the goal of putting 7 GW of offshore wind power into operation by 2030, Vietnam needs to have an active preparation process with appropriate policies to shorten the implementation time. The GIZ Energy Support Program and VEPG have invited experts to share international experiences with EVN in this field.

Mr. Sven Ernedal - Head of the Offshore Wind Task Force, Vietnam Energy Partnership Group sharing at the workshop

Mr. Sven Ernedal - Head of the Offshore Wind Task Force, Vietnam Energy Partnership Group shared: Vietnam is a country with great potential for offshore wind power development. However, this field is still new to Vietnam. Therefore, there is an urgent need to adjust the policy and regulatory framework in order to successfully realize the set goals.

Delegates having lively discussions at the workshop

At the workshop, the delegates had lively discussions on such topics as EVN's view on offshore wind power development, Denmark's experience in grid connection for offshore wind power, combined and mesh offshore grids, offshore wind power planning, etc.

  • 01/06/2023 01:39
  • 271