Ialy Hydropower Company achieves and surpasses 100% of technical management targets in the first half of year

That was one of the information at the meeting on technical management and major repair plan in 2023 of Ialy Hydropower Company (IPC). The meeting took place on July 20, in Gia Lai, chaired by EVN’s Vice President Ngo Son Hai.

Reported at the meeting, Mr. Doan Tien Cuong - Director of IPC said that the total power output of all 3 hydropower plants of Ialy (4x180MW), Se San 3 (260MW), Pleikrong (100MW) in the first 6 months reached 1,955 million kWh. As for the technical management criteria, all three plants met and surpassed many targets, ensuring high availability, and contributing to ensuring stable and reliable power supply. Also in the first half of the year, plants basically had no downtime failure.

According to the Director of IPC, the company has fully mastered all employees to reduce the rate of self-consumption power. At the three plants, the self-consumption rate is less than 1% - better than it as planned. Power saving is also performed thoroughly and effectively.

EVN’s Vice President Ngo Son Hai delivers a guiding speech at IPC

Regarding the operation of the reservoirs, from December 2022 to the present, the hydrological situation is not so good. On the basis of the direction of Vietnam Electricity on the implementation of urgent solutions, minimizing the risk of water shortage downstream in the remaining time of the dry season in 2023, IPC has proactively reported the situation to the competent authorities and local authorities in Gia Lai and Kon Tum provinces, proposing an operation plan to ensure the water demand in the downstream area and generate power until the end of the dry season in 2023.

The company recommends the overall investment plan to upgrade and extend the life of the Ialy, Se San 3, and Pleikrong power plants; solutions to reduce incidents, improving the reliability and operational efficiency of plants in the period of 2024 - 2030.

Operating area of Sesan 3 Power Plant

Also at this meeting, Mr. Nguyen Dang Ha - Deputy Director of EVN Repair Service Center (EVNPSC) reported that this year IPC was assigned by EVN to carry out major repairs (SCL) of 2 main project lists, 2 main equipment lists, and 13 auxiliary equipment lists. In the first 6 months of 2023, IPC and EVNPSC coordinated to carry out the construction according to the schedule. It is expected that by the end of 2023, all major repair work will be completed as planned.

Discussing the challenging situation of the power system in 2023 and the following year, Mr. Ngo Son Hai suggested the employees of IPC strive, unanimously overcome difficulties, have effective solutions, and adapt to operating in the new situation. Regarding the operation, the company needs to coordinate with EVN’s specialized departments and related units to calculate and operate the reservoirs at the appropriate water levels.

EVN leaders also requested IPC to coordinate with EVNPSC to continue applying RCM repair technology, arrange experts and resources to ensure repair and maintenance work to ensure the required progress and quality; promote the application of digital transformation in all aspects of operations. For the company's recommendations and proposals, the leaders of Vietnam Electricity would give specific orientations and directions.

  • 20/07/2023 11:11
  • evn.com.vn
  • 106