In 2022, EVNHCMC to convert 100% of customer records into electronic management form

That is one of the goals set forth by the Ho Chi Minh City Power Corporation (EVNHCMC) at the Conference to summarize business and customer service tasks in 2021. The conference was held on 23 December 2021, in Ho Chi Minh City.

In 2021, the commercial power output of Ho Chi Minh City reached 24.42 billion kWh, realizing the plan assigned by EVN; the rate of power loss reached 3.18%, decreasing by 0.2% compared with the target assigned by EVN; the power saving rate reached 2.32%, surpassing 0.32% of the assigned target; the rate of customers installing telemeters reached 92.71%, surpassing 2.71% of the plan; completing the tasks of implementing the electricity market in 2021.

EVNHCMC to convert 100% of customer records into electronic management

The Corporation has met 100% of online customer services at level 4, the rate of electrical service requests made in electronic form reached 99.50%. The percentage of customers using power supply services via the network environment (Web/Email/App/Zalo/Viber...) and the rate of receiving customer requests with the automatic response both surpassed the delivery plan. The time to implement the procedure for power supply through the 22kV medium-voltage grid is 3.18 days, decreasing by 2.71 days compared to that in the same period in 2020 and 1.82 days shorter than the plan.

The Corporation has successfully completed the targets of digital transformation in tasks of business and customer service: Up to now, more than 1.4 million customers have installed the application (App) of EVNHCMC Customer Care, an increase of over 305,000 customers compared to that of 2020; put into operation the Brandname call identification system, helping to manage calls to handle electricity services, contributing to limiting impersonation in the Electricity Sector.

The Corporation has built and deployed a multi-channel switchboard system in receiving and taking care of customers; upgraded the application of EVNHCMC Customer Service with many advanced utilities and user-friendly functions; added the automatic reply feature (chatbot) to the customer care website.

EVNHCMC has well implemented the reduction in electricity prices and electricity bills for customers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021 for 2,268,708 customers with a total amount of VND 581.5 billion, and so on.

In 2022, EVNHCMC is to deploy 6 groups of solutions in the field of business and customer service with 22 targets and 49 specific solutions. In which, the focus is placed on continuing to diversify communication channels with customers, converting 100% of customer records into electronic management, and at the same time operating the Vietnam wholesale electricity market (VWEM) stably and effectively in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

  • 24/12/2021 07:07
  • 128