Investment Management Information System (IMIS) continues to be installed new functionality

15:43, 13/11/2018

On November 13th, 2018, EVN organized Television Conference to guide its affiliated units on using two new modules of Investment Management Information System (IMIS) including Contractor Scoring and Evaluating Module and Contract Progress Tracking Module.

According to Mr. Le Quoc Anh - Head of IMIS project of EVN Information and Communication Technology Company (EVNICT), with the success of two new modules development, IMIS currently has a total of 14 functional modules. Hence, IMIS can comprehensively support the managing, tracking and handling of the project throughout the period of the project, from preparing and implementing to finishing the investment.

EVNICT has cooperated with other units under the Group to transform and update related data. At the same time, EVNICT has organized training to use new functions and conducted testing to complete features of the system before being put into official operation.

According to the plan, Contractor Rating and Evaluating Module is to be put into operation in November of 2018. And the Contract Progress Tracking Module is scheduled to put into operation from January 1st, 2019.

Television conference point in EVN headquarters

IMIS is developed by EVNICT according to EVN’s command from 2016 in order to modernize management and improve operation efficiency; as well as improve the project management capacity and the quality of construction investment projects in the whole Group.

IMIS has been voted as the representative product of Viet Nam Information Technology (IT) software and services sector and granted the title of Sao Khue 2018 by the Viet Nam Software and IT Services Association (VINASA).
