Mechanisms, policies, and solutions to ensure sustainable energy development with a vision to 2050

That is the topic of the seminar organized by the Vietnam Energy Association in collaboration with Vietnam Electricity (EVN), Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (PVN), and Vietnam National Coal and Mineral Industries Group (TKV) on July 28, in Hanoi.

Workshop scene

According to Mr. Cao Quang Quynh – a member of EVN's Board of Directors, the energy demand in the coming years is forecasted to still grow at a high rate. However, the proportion of EVN's power sources in the total national power source is decreasing, while EVN is still assigned the main responsibility of ensuring power supply for socio-economic development and people's daily life. Therefore, EVN is looking forward to the participation and investment of investors and the support of relevant authorities to ensure the investment and development promotion of power source and grid projects the next time.

Investors as well as EVN are looking forward to mechanisms and policies to promote the rapid development of energy sources.

At the workshop, EVN’s representative discussed the Mechanisms and policies to ensure sustainable energy development and made some recommendations and solutions such as The implementation of energy transformation needs to be implemented on comprehensive coverage of the Vietnamese power system, in which priorities are set in the following order: (i) ensuring power supply security; (ii) ensuring an affordable electricity price; (iii) developing sustainable energy.

Regarding mechanisms and policies: persistent implementing the policy of economical and efficient energy use; studying and proposing the Government to promulgate regulations, guidelines, and legal frameworks on investment procedures, licensing, capital arrangement, incentives, etc. for clean fuels conversion investment for coal-fired thermal power plants; early implementing research, plan and support mechanisms and policies for biomass fuel areas, Ammonia/biomass fuel supply chain, etc., to meet the fuel conversion roadmap for coal-fired thermal power plants across the country according to the conversion plan outlined in the Power Plan VIII; researching and proposing amendments and supplements to legal documents, creating a legal corridor for the development of the auxiliary service market, ensuring the safe and stable operation of the power system in the context of increasing proportion of renewable energy sources in the power source structure; developing, forming, and guiding the carbon credit clearing exchange mechanism, developing the carbon credit trading market, etc.

This shall be the basis for the Vietnam Energy Association to summarize, draw and recommend to central agencies and ministries on energy promote policies, serving the country's socio-economic development.

  • 28/07/2023 10:41
  • 143