National Energy Efficiency Conference in 2023

On July 20, in Nha Trang, the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) held the "National Energy Efficiency Conference in 2023", with the aim of sharing experiences and orientations to accelerate the implementation of the National Energy Efficiency Program (NEEP).

The conference was attended by representatives of relevant ministries and branches; Departments of Industry and Trade of provinces and cities; organizations, units, and enterprises operating in the field of energy efficiency in provinces and cities nationwide.

For Electricity of Vietnam (EVN), the attendants at the conference were Mr. Vo Quang Lam – Vice President of EVN, and representatives of EVN's specialized departments.

Mr. Phuong Hoang Kim - Director of the Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development Department, MOIT gives the opening speech at the conference

Opening the conference, Mr. Phuong Hoang Kim - Director of the Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development Department, MOIT, said that Vietnam's energy demand has been constantly growing at a high rate compared to that of other countries in the region and the world. In which, the primary energy demand in the 2010-2019 period grows by about 6%/year, and the average growth rate of commercial electricity output is 9.71%/year in the 2010 - 2021 period. With the efforts made by all levels and sectors, Vietnam still supplies sufficient energy and power for production and business activities and serves the people's life, contributing to economic growth and ensuring social, political, security, and national defense stability.

EVN’s Vice President Vo Quang Lam (far right) and representatives of relevant ministries and branches discuss experiences and solutions for energy efficiency

According to the forecast in the next 5 years, the power demand will still grow by about 8.5%/year. According to the assessment results of MOIT and EVN on the power supply plan for 2020-2025, ensuring power supply in this period will face many difficulties and challenges, especially in case of extreme weather phenomena.

Mr. Tran Viet Nguyen - Deputy Head of EVN's Business Department makes a presentation on EVN's plan

At the conference, Mr. Tran Viet Nguyen - Deputy Head of EVN's Business Department presented a speech on the implementation plan of Directive No. 20/CT-TTg of the Prime Minister on enhancing power saving in the period of 2023 - 2025 of Vietnam.

MOIT, as a state management agency, has coordinated with ministries and local authorities to develop a plan to implement the Program in phases. At the same time, the Group shall coordinate with 63 provinces, cities, and localities to organize propaganda activities, raise awareness about energy efficiency and environmental protection; coordinate with local departments and agencies to organize working delegations and inspection teams at enterprises, especially key energy-consuming enterprises to inspect the observance of legal regulations on economical and efficient use of energy and the observance of Directive No. 20 of the Prime Minister on enhancing power saving in the period of 2023 - 2025 and the following years.

For Electricity of Vietnam, Mr. Phuong Hoang Kim acknowledged and highly appreciated EVN's outstanding results in the implementation of NEEP. In the coming time, Mr. Phuong Hoang Kim hopes that EVN will continue to promote the achieved results, accompanying MOIT in activities to promote energy efficiency in Vietnam.

  • 20/07/2023 10:35
  • 155