Operational situation in May 2024 and objectives and tasks in June 2024

In May 2024, when power demand increased very high due to the continued economic recovery, and at the same time, widespread intense heat occurred in all three regions at the end of the month, Vietnam Electricity still ensured a safe and continuous power supply, serving socio-economic development and meeting the people's daily needs.

Although the peak capacity of the whole system reached 47,147MW (29 May 2024), not exceeding the peak at the end of April, the largest daily power consumption (29 May 2024) reached 1.0019 billion kWh. EVN has flexibly operated power sources, synchronously implemented solutions to operate the power system and power market optimally, accelerated construction investment progress, and mobilized customers to use electricity economically and effectively.

In May, power production of the whole system reached 28.09 billion kWh, an increase of 11.3% over the same period in 2023. Accumulated in the first 5 months of 2024, power production of the whole system reached 124.25 billion kWh, an increase of 12.2% over the same period in 2023.

Output and mobilization proportion of all types of power sources in the whole system in 5 months are as follows:

+ Hydropower: 19.08 billion kWh, accounting for 15.4%.

+ Coal thermal power: reached 73.97 billion kWh, accounting for 59.5%.

+ Gas turbines: 11.17 billion kWh, accounting for 9%.

+ Renewable energy: 17.62 billion kWh, accounting for 14.2% (of which solar power reached 11.64 billion kWh, wind power reached 5.38 billion kWh).

+ Imported power: 2.02 billion kWh, accounting for 1.6%.

Accumulated transmission power output in the first 5 months of 2024 reached 99.4 billion kWh, an increase of 12.84% over the same period in 2023.

EVN's accumulated commercial power output in the first 5 months of 2024 increased by 14.67% over the same period, of which the power growth of some typical components is as follows: electricity for households increased by 18.08%, electricity for industry - production increased by 12.15%, electricity for commerce - services increased by 18.08%, etc.

Construction investment: In May 2024, EVN and its units made great efforts to implement investment in power source and grid works according to the yearly planned targets. EVN leaders have regularly inspected construction sites, urged construction progress, and supply of materials and equipment for Quang Trach-Pho Noi 500kV, circuit-3 transmission line project, and key power source and grid projects. Power source projects are under construction closely following the 2024 planned target. In which, Phuoc Thai 2 and 3 solar power projects have gathered all the panels and inverters to the construction site to prepare for installation, it is expected power generation for both plants will be completed in the third quarter of 2024.

Regarding the power grid, in the first 5 months of 2024, EVN and its units have started 40 works and completed energizing and putting into operation 45 power grid works from 110kV to 500kV. Especially in the current period, EVN has mobilized human resources and machinery from member units to support the work of erecting poles and pulling wires, striving to complete the construction of the Quang Trach-Pho Noi 500kV, circuit-3 transmission line project follows the schedule requested by the Prime Minister. Besides, EVN also receives support from several other corporations such as Viettel, PVN, VNPT, etc., and the youth pioneer force of the Provincial Youth Unions where the transmission line passes in implementing construction and some support work at the site and construction site.

In addition, to proactively supply power during the peak months of the dry season and the following months of 2024, EVN has updated the growth of power demand and developed plans and scenarios for operating the power system, ensuring electricity for economic development and people's lives in all situations.

Some working tasks of EVN in June 2024

The forecast for power production of the whole system in June 2024 is expected to reach 28.1 billion kWh, an increase of 13.8% over the same period. The maximum capacity of the whole system can be up to more than 52,000MW, and in the North alone it can be up to about 26,000MW.

To be proactive in ensuring a stable, safe, and reliable power supply for the National power system, especially in the Northern region, EVN has directed all units to strictly implement Circular No. 38/CD-TTg dated 15 April 2024 and directions of the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Commission for Management of State Capital at Enterprises. In which:

- Continuing to closely monitor meteorology and hydrology developments, fuel situation, unit availability, and load growth to update and adjust appropriate operating methods promptly. Monitoring the water situation in each hydropower reservoir, calculating and updating daily operating methods, to effectively use water resources, while ensuring no decrease in available capacity of hydropower plants, meeting load demand.

- Power Corporations/Power Companies weekly monitor production and business situations, prepare power supply scenarios including a scenario of prolonged hot weather and sudden increase in load demand; continue to implement Directive No. 20 on propagandizing and implementing electricity saving.

- Power Generation Corporations and power plants focus on monitoring coal supply, preparing backup plans, ensuring sufficient fuel for power production, and maintaining inventory levels according to regulations. Continuing to coordinate closely with PVN and TKV, Dong Bac Coal Corporation, and Investors of other power sources to ensure sufficient fuel supply for power production according to system needs.

- The National Power Transmission Corporation proactively reviews, fixes, and prevents power grid incidents, improving reliability and reducing power loss; Strengthen supervision and compliance with operational discipline.

- Units strictly comply with the EVN's directions on natural disaster prevention and search and rescue; Prepare plans to prevent storms and floods, ensure the safety of dams and hydropower works, and ensure safety for downstream areas during the rainy and stormy season.

Regarding construction investment: In June 2024, EVN continues to urge units to concentrate forces at construction sites and accelerate the construction progress of key power source and grid projects. In which:

- Continuing to focus all resources, prioritizing ensuring safety on the construction site to construct the 500 kV circuit-3 transmission line (from Quang Trach to Pho Noi), continuing to work with localities to hand over the remaining spans, urging the progress of providing materials and equipment; ensuring synchronous progress of Thanh Hoa 500kV substation, resistance devices, capacitors, etc, to serve energizing projects.

- Urgently completing power grid works to increase power import such as Monsoon - Thanh My 500kVpower line, Dak Ooc 220kV switching station and connection lines, and Nam Sum - Nong Cong 220kV power line.

- Supplying power from the national grid to Con Dao district: Focus on submitting to the Ministry of Industry and Trade to approve the feasibility study report in June 2024, and at the same time complete investment procedures and contractor selection to start constructing the project soon.

To ensure electricity for economic development and people's lives in all situations, EVN hopes to receive the sharing and positive coordinated actions of the people and electricity customers through thorough use of electricity economically, especially during peak hours at noon (from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.) and evening (from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.). In particular, people and electricity customers pay special attention to the reasonable use of air conditioning, only turn on the air conditioner when necessary, and set the temperature at 26-27 degrees or higher; at the same time, pay attention not to use many high-capacity electrical devices during peak hours. Thoroughly using electricity to save electricity also minimizes the risk of electrical incidents and limits high electricity bills./.


Communication Department - Vietnam Electricity;

Address: No. 11 Cua Bac Street, Truc Bach Ward, Ba Dinh District - Hanoi;

Email: bantt@evn.com.vn; Phone: 024.66946405/66946413;

Website: www.evn.com.vn

Fanpage: www.facebook.com/evndienlucvietnam

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/VIETNAM ELECTRICITY_EVNnews

Tiktok channel: https://www.tiktok.com/@dienlucvn

  • 10/06/2024 04:23
  • Hải Yến dịch
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