In the period 2016-2020, the power supply reliability of EVNCPC has been continuously improved year by year. By 2020, the average power outage time in the year for each customer is 360.6 minutes/customer, a decrease of more than 6.4 times/customer compared to 5 years ago. In the first 9 months of 2021, EVNCPC's result was 223 minutes, down 68% compared to the same period last year.
EVNCPC supplies power with better quality to customers. Photo: EVNCPC
EVNCPC has continuously invested, researched, applied science and technology, built smart grids to improve the power supply reliability, reduce both the number and time of customer outages and improve the power quality. The whole EVNCPC has invested in a very close monitoring system of data on power incidents through 4 main channels, including: SCADA system in 13 provinces and cities; MDMS program - telemetry system for monitoring unstable voltage point locations; software to manage the worksheets of the units and through the customer care center channel of EVNCPC.
Thanks to actively implementing solutions to prevent incidents, especially incidents of 110kV substations, the 110kV incident rate of EVNCPC has continuously decreased. Specifically, in the period 2016 - 2020, the incident rate of 110kV substation decreased from 0.295 incidents to 0.102 (down 65.4%), corresponding to the number of incidents decreasing from 31 to 13 in this period.
In the coming time, EVNCPC will continue to promote the application of new technologies in all activities for production and business activities, management and administration to ensure adequate, continuous, safe and quality power supply to best meet the needs of socio-economic development and people's lives of more than 4.5 million power users in 13 provinces and cities in the Central - Central Highlands.
By 2025, the power supply reliability indicators of the EVNCPC distribution grid are expected to achieve:
SAIDI (system average interruption duration index) ≤ 300 minutes
MAIFI (momentary average interruption frequency index ) ≤ 2.74 times
SAIFI (system average interruption frequency index) ≤ 2.6 times.