Product “Make by EVN” introduced at  Asia Tech X Exhibition 2023

The Central Power Center Electronic Measurement Equipment  Manufacturing Center (CPCEMEC) of the Central Power Corporation (EVNCPC) has just participated in and introduced the technology products "Make by EVN" at the Asia Tech Summit 2023 Exhibition (Asia Tech X Singapore 2023), taking place in Singapore.

Asia Tech X Singapore is an Asian event to promote international cooperation in the field of information technology, organized by Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) and Informa Tech, supported by the Singapore Tourism Board (STB). This year's conference attracted the participation of 22 delegations from countries in the ASEAN region, Japan, and the European Union.

Within the framework of the exhibition, the Ministry of Information and Communications of Vietnam and Vietnamese digital technology enterprises participated in the exhibition, introducing advanced technology products and services under the brand name "Make in Vietnam" to international businesses, partners, and customers.

The exhibition stand chaired by the Ministry of Information and Communications exhibited more than 40 technology products from 26 leading enterprises in Vietnam such as EVN, VNPT, FPT, TMA, Rang Dong, HANET, and many others.

Make by EVN technology products introduced at Asia Tech X Singapore 2023: Smart electronic meters, fast charging stations for electric vehicles

Mr. Thai Thanh Nam - Director of CPCEMEC said that the center has introduced breakthrough technology products in the field of smart grids to international partners. Products such as smart electronic meters, fast charging stations for electric vehicles, indicator and fault warning devices on medium voltage grids, and grid fault warning systems. These are all products that have been recognized by EVN as "Make by EVN".

The participation of the center in EVN at the Asia Tech X Singapore 2023 Exhibition has affirmed the prestige of digital technology products in the Electricity industry; creating many opportunities for business cooperations and exchanges with other technology enterprises globally. This is also an important opportunity for CPCEMEC to continue to access the latest technology trends such as 5G, IoT, AI, robotics, big data, cloud computing, and virtual reality, and capture information about the technology market.

The main theme of this year's Asia Tech X Singapore is the power of telecommunications connectivity, solving difficult problems, strategies to create a breakthrough development of 5G networks as well as preparing for the future 6G.

  • 22/06/2023 11:50
  • 137