Regulations on electricity services in Vietnam National Electricity Corporation

Decision No. 353/QD-EVN dated 17 March 2021 of the General Director of EVN on the promulgation of the Regulation on electricity services within the Vietnam National Electricity Group (hereinafter referred to as Decision No. 353) takes effect to be implemented from 1 April 2021.

Thus, Decision No. 505/QD-EVN dated 15 May 2017 of the General Director of VN promulgating the Regulation on the provision of electricity services applicable to the Vietnam National Electricity Group has expired validity.

According to Decision 353, the electricity service groups of Vietnam Electricity include: Receiving and answering services; New power supply services; Services in the process of power use; Other services.

Forms of receiving and answering electricity services include Customer care switchboard; Online through websites, public service portal, customer care application, zalo, etc.; Directly at the room/location of customer transaction.

Forms of providing services to customers of EVN include Online and Directly combined online. Specifically, with the online forms: customers use electricity services through the network environment (from service registration, providing documents (electronic files), payment of charges (wire transfer, Internet/Mobile/SMS banking, e-wallet,…) and they are electronically confirmed by digital certificate or OTP). In the form of direct combined online: for customers who are not eligible to do it completely online, it is applied with the most eligible steps to perform the online form in combination with the direct form.

Decision No. 353 also notes some necessary information for customers:

  1. At one location, a household using power for daily life with a household registration book or temporary residence book and independent electrical system is entitled to sign a power purchase agreement (PPA) and install 01 electricity meter;
  2. Information provided by the customer is an electronic copy, a copy (including a photocopy of a technological device, a photo) and is compared with the original or certified copy if required;
  3. Customers buying power outside for daily activities, for short-term (less than 12 months) shall make a bank guarantee or deposit money with the value of electricity charge for 45 days or the number of days of power consumption (in case of buying power less than 01 month ) and has a term equal to the PPA term plus 15 working days.
  4. Customers who register or have an average power consumption of 1,000,000 kWh/month or more shall furnish a bank guarantee or make a monetary deposit with a value not exceeding 15 days of electricity bill and with a term equal to a term PPA plus 15 working days.
  5. Customer confirms electronic transactions with digital certificates in case customers are organizations or individuals with digital certificates, and One Time Password (OTP) code for other customers.;
  6. Dealers are responsible for assisting customers to use online electricity services.
  7. In case customers need to be supplied with high-voltage power for the first time, customers directly contact the Customer Care Center for detailed instructions.

  • 02/04/2021 11:02
  • 950