World Bank will spread EVNNPT's digital transformation efforts to the world

Vietnam is one of the first developing countries to operate digital substations. This practice needs to be reported and spread to the world - information according to the World Bank (WB) in Vietnam.

Thuy Nguyen 220kV digital substation

Recently, the National Power Transmission Corporation (EVNNPT) welcomed the delegation of the World Bank in Vietnam to visit and work at Thuy Nguyen 220kV Substation (Hai Phong) - the first 220kV digital substation of Vietnam's power industry.

The WB delegation went on a field trip to learn about digital transformation efforts and digital technology applications in the power sector's substations.
Thuy Nguyen 220kV substation is a grade I, group B energy project with a total investment of more than VND 348 billion, invested and built since December 2017. In April 2021, this project was completed energizing and handed over to Power Transmission Company 1 for management and operation.
EVNNPT is the pioneer in applying the 61850-9-2 standard in the substation control system. With 7 bays for 220kV lines, 13 bays for 110kV lines, 1 AT2 transformer, so far the substation has been put into operation for more than 8 months, initially showing some higher efficiency than conventional substations: The information is faster processed; Using fiber-optic cables instead of copper cables helps to limit faults caused by copper cables. In addition, the digital substation can give early warning of potential trouble, helping the operator to have timely handling.
The World Bank in Vietnam highly appreciates the strategy and practice of digital transformation implementing of EVN in general and EVNNPT in particular. The development of a digital substation introduces an opportunity for the WB to consider the possibility of lending to EVNNPT to develop more digital substations.

  • 20/12/2021 03:37
  • 282