Power works are public assets transferred in accordance with the provisions of this Decree, including:
Power works are public assets at state agencies, public service units, people's armed forces units, Communist Party of Vietnam agencies, Vietnam Fatherland Front, and socio-political organizations, socio-political-professional organizations, social organizations, socio-professional organizations, other organizations established in accordance with the law on associations (public property at agencies, organizations, units);

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Electricity works are public assets assigned to enterprises to manage, excluding the state-contributed capital component at the enterprise (public assets at the enterprise);
Power works belonging to technical infrastructure projects invested with state capital are invested by the Project Management Board, agency, organization, or unit (power works belonging to technical infrastructure projects invested with state capital);
Power works belonging to technical infrastructure commonly used in urban area projects, residential areas, and other projects shall be handed over to the State by the investor in accordance with the provisions of law;
Power projects with established ownership of the entire people originally built with the non-state budget (including the increased value of power projects invested, renovated, and upgraded by organizations and individuals on existing power projects of the power unit) with the ownership rights voluntarily transferred by organizations and individuals to the State of Vietnam through Vietnam Electricity in the form of non-refundable capital and the power unit agree to receive (power works originally built with the non-state budget);
The power project with established ownership by the entire people formed by an investment project under the public-private partnership method and was agreed upon by the parties to be transferred to the power unit according to the project contract following the provisions of law or decided by a competent authority to assign the power unit to perform the take-over task (power projects are invested in the public-private partnership method).
The Decree clearly states that projects transferred to Vietnam Electricity shall fully meet the following conditions: In compliance with the power development planning and power supply network development plan in the provincial planning at the time of construction or at the time of checking the current status of the power projects for transfer; Meet relevant regulations and standards at the time of checking the current status of the power project for transfer; The power project is operating (being used to generate power, transmit power, and distribute power) normally at the time of checking the status of the power project for transfer; The work project is not in a state of mortgage, pledge, guarantee or security of any other debt obligations.