Attending the training session, there was Mr. Ola Karlman - First Secretary, Head of the Department of Trade, Economic and Political Promotion, Embassy of Sweden in Vietnam; Ms. Nguyen Thu Hien - Regional Coordinator of the Swedish Workplace Program (SWP), International Council of Swedish Industry (NIR).
On EVN's side, there was Mr. Vo Quang Lam – EVN Vice President; and Mr. Do Duc Hung - Chairman of the Vietnam Electricity Trade Union.
The program was developed from the idea of “Guys Talk – When Men Speak Up” in Vietnam launched by the Swedish Embassy. The training courses aim to raise awareness of the role of male managers in gender equality; enhance skills and knowledge on psychological safety, and communication as well as share experiences among men to promote men's strength in gender equality work.
Speakers of the program are experts from SWP and EVN along with 80 trainees who are male officers working at Vietnam Electricity in the Northern region. The program will be organized in a concentrated form at EVN headquarters (North); EVNCPC headquarters (Central) and EVNHCMC headquarters (South).

EVN Vice President Vo Quang Lam delivering opening speech
In his opening speech at the training course, EVN Vice President Vo Quang Lam said that gender equality work at EVN has achieved many remarkable results in recent times with 04 Corporations including EVNHCMC, EVNHANOI, EVNSPC, EVNGENCO3, achieving the EDGE (Economic Dividends for Gender Equality) Global Gender Equality Certificate. Awareness of gender equality among EVN's staff has been increasingly enhanced, ensuring the rights and benefits as well as the professional quality and life of workers.

Mr. Ola Karlman - First Secretary, Head of Trade, Economic and Political Promotion, Embassy of Sweden in Vietnam highly appreciating implementation of gender equality at EVN
The idea of “Guys Talk – When Men Speak Up” in Vietnam was developed by the Swedish non-governmental organizations “Make Equal” and the Swedish Institute, launched by the Embassy of Sweden in Vietnam in 2021 on International Women's Day, March 8. Since then, this model has been replicated and developed into joint programs, and in-depth training on gender equality and men's issues at corporations, companies, and business organizations in Vietnam.
Translator: Hải Yến