500 kV Transformer energized at 500 kV Pleiku 2 Substation

13:20, 10/06/2016

10 June 2016, 11:05, National Power Transmission Corporation (EVNNPT) in coordination with National Load Dispatch Center (NLDC) and Central Region Load Dispatch Center (CRLDC) successfully energized and put into operation the 500/220 kV - 450MVA AT2 transformer (this is one of the two 500 kV transformers of the project), the entire equipment of 500 kV, 220 kV, 35 kV of the switchyard and 220 kV connection line of the Installation of 500/220 kV transformer and 220 kV connection for 500 kV Pleiku 2 substation project.

500kV equipment at the switchyard

The energization at this stage will timely receive capacity from Xekaman 1, Xekaman Sanxay, Upper Xekong 3, Lower Xekong 3 hydropower plants from Laos to Vietnam through 220 kV Xekaman 1-Pleiku 2 transmission line to provide power for the Central and Highlands regions and Southern provinces; interconnect with neighboring countries to ensure sustainable energy development in terms of international integration, regional cooperation and interconnection; reduce power losses and create conditions for deploying and operating optimally the power system in Vietnam.

The project was owned and invested by National Power Transmission Corporation (EVNNPT), managed by Central Power Project Management Board (CPMB), designed by Power Engineering Consulting Joint Stock Company No. 4 (PECC4, constructed by Power Construction Company  No. 1 (PCC1), tested and calibrated by Central Electrical Testing Company  (ETC3) and operated by Power Transmission Company No. 3 (PTC3)   

