Awarding certificates to 50 students attending Workshop on "Optimizing hydro-power plants"

At the end of the 3-day workshop (from 7-9/10/2019) on the topic of "Optimizing hydro-electric plants", Japan Overseas Power Center (JEPIC) granted certifications for students of EVN.

Mr. Ken Goto (right) grants certificates to students

At the seminar, Mr. Ken Goto - CEO of JEPIC, Head of Japanese expert team, and experts from TEPCO Electric Company, Tohoku conveyed the main contents such as maintenance of equipment in hydro-power plant, management of hydro-power plant assets, optimizing the operation of ladder hydro-power, maintenance of construction works, structures of hydro-power plants, etc.

This is also an occasion for EVN's students to directly discuss with Japanese experts on outstanding issues in the current management, operation, repair and maintenance of hydro-power plants.

At the closing remarks of the Workshop, Mr. Ken Goto said: “I believe that the knowledge exchanged by JEPIC here is  very important for EVN. When returning to the working places, the trainees can apply it to the actual work”. 

The Workshop jointly organized by EVN and JEPIC was a useful two-way information exchange, especially for officials working in the field of hydro-power to grasp valuable experience from Japanese colleagues.

Currently, the proportion of hydro-electric resources still accounts for about 40% of the total installed capacity in our country's power system, therefore, the management of operation and maintenance of existing hydro-power plants are very important for EVN. 

As forecast, in the next 5 years, the average load growth rate will remain at about 10%, a high rate compared to that in the world and the region. Each year, Vietnam needs from 4,000 to 5,000MW of new power source put into operation. 

  • 10/10/2019 11:11
  • 417