Commencement of the project on supplying electricity for 15 villages in Muong Nhe border district

On 4 October 2019, at Ban village, Muong Nhe commune, Muong Nhe district (Dien Bien province), Dien Bien Power Company organized a groundbreaking ceremony for the project on supplying electricity to 15 villages in five communes: Muong Toong, Muong Nhe, Chung Chai, Pa My, and Sin Thau.

Groundbreaking ceremony of the project

With a total investment cost of VND14,980 million, the project is composed of the following items: 6.5km of medium voltage lines; 20.28km of low voltage lines; 10 distribution substations with a total capacity of 501kVA.

When the project comes into operation, it will ensure stable electricity supply for 621 households (mainly ethnic minorities) in the villages that are subject to population stabilization in the Project on population arrangement, stabilization, socio-economic development, national defense and security in Muong Nhe district (referred to as Project 79) in the period of 2012 - 2020.

Mr. Tran Duc Dung, Deputy Director of Dien Bien Power Company, suggested that contractors must apply proper construction techniques and follow the project schedule to complete energizing the project before the Lunar New Year 2020. The leader of Dien Bien Power Company hopes that the local authorities and people will support and facilitate the contractors in constructing project items in the area.


Muong Nhe is currently the poorest one in 62 poor districts under the Government's Resolution 30a. The rate of poor households in the whole district is 66.14%. There are 121 villages in the whole district but currently there are only 75 villages having access to the national power grid.

By the end of 2019, there will be 15 more villages being electrified, bringing the total number of electrified villages in the district to 90.

  • 07/10/2019 03:07
  • 388