Completed replacement of oil cables of power unit 2 in Hoa Binh Hydropower Plant

​​​​​​​At 6:17 p.m. on December 15, 2021, power unit 2 of Hoa Binh Hydropower Plant (HP) was re-synchronized to the national power grid after its shutdown for the replacement of the oil cable system with dry cables, implemented by EVN Power Service Center.

 According to Mr. Le Hong Thach - Deputy Director of EVNPSC, the power units of Hoa Binh Hydropower Plant have been in operation for over 30 years. The 220kV oil cable system serving the transmission of power generated by these power units from the step-up transformer to the 220kV transition yard is old, with insulated oil being impurified, which may cause failures. Therefore, the replacement of the 220kV oil cable system is to ensure the safe and uninterrupted operation of the power units.

Compared with oil cables, dry cables have the advantages of compactness, better operation, higher quality, longer service life and better resistance to the natural environment at higher temperatures. Previously, EVNPSC had completed replacing oil cables with dry cables for power unit 1 in June 2021.

Leaders of EVNPSC checked the cable system before coordinating with relevant units to energize power unit 2 of Hoa Binh Hydropower Plant

This is a milestone in the development to fully master technology in dry cable installation in hydropower plants in Vietnam. EVNPSC is ready to continue replacing cables No. 3 and No. 5 of Hoa Binh Hydropower Plant in 2022.

EVNPSC has completed replacing oil cables with dry cables for power unit 2 of Hoa Binh Hydropower Plant

The completion of cable replacement to put power unit 2 of Hoa Binh Hydropower Plant into operation at this time is very important for the power system when the power units of Hoa Binh Power Plant are ready to operate at full capacity to supply water for the cultivation of 2021-2022 Winter-Spring crop of the Midlands and Northern Delta provinces in early January 2022.

Some information about the dry cable being replaced:

- Voltage level: 220kV

 - Single line length: About 600 meters, 11 tons weigh

- Cable type: Single core copper cable, the cross-section of 630 mm2 XLPE insulation. Cables are mounted on 1,620 racks.

  • 16/12/2021 12:50
  • 358