Customers can proactively control their energy consumption by just 'one touch'

It is a utility that Hanoi Power Corporation (EVNHANOI) provides to its electricity customersin the capital. By using EVNHANOI application (App) on smart mobile devices, customers can proactively manage all their electricity information and services.

Daily, monthly energyconsumption monitoring features and comparison with the same period of the previous year on EVNHANOI app

Using EVNHANOI App, customers can look up all information about electricity services such as: schedule for recording meter readings, schedule for temporary interruption of power supply, sending requests and monitoring the implementation of electricity services.

In addition, customers can monitor their daily and monthly energy consumption and compare them with the same period of the previous period.

In particular, in "Power consumption" feature, customers can also set an alarm threshold for energy consumption. Simply select “Warning consumption threshold (kWh)” or “Increase rate of energy consumption compared to last month” and customers can set their desired consumption (kWh) or rate (%) to be alerted.

In addition, by using the two features "Estimated energy consumed by the appliance" and "Billing tool", customers can also estimate how much energy their family will use up every month and check whether the electricity bill of the family is correctly calculated by the power industry.

How to download EVNHANOI App on a smart device:

• Step 1: Access the App Store (for iOS) and Google Play (for Android) applications.

• Step 2: Search for the term “EVNHANOI” on the search bar.

• Step 3: Download the application.

• Step 4: Select: “Register”. Enter customer code: eg: PD123456…. Select “Register”.

• Step 5: Enter the OTP verification code sent to the phone number or Email under the Power Purchase Agreement

• Step 6: Select “Change password” (the password must contain at least 10 characters, including uppercased, lowercase letters, numbers and special characters)

  • 25/05/2021 10:24
  • 326