Delegation of National Assembly Standing Committee supervises implementation of policies and laws on energy development in 2016-2021 period in Binh Thuan province

On April 26, in Binh Thuan province, the Supervisory Delegation of the National Assembly Standing Committee carried out thematic supervision "The implementation of policies and laws on energy development in the 2016 - 2021 period". On the side of Vietnam Electricity (EVN), EVN Vice President Ngo Son Hai attended the meeting and reported many important contents to the delegation.

EVN proposes locality to create favorable conditions for ash and slag consumption

Up to now, 100% of communes and wards in the province have access to electricity. On average, in the 2016-2020 period, commercial electricity in the province grew by 7.16% per year. In 2023, in the first quarter, accumulated commercial electricity reached 624.7 million kWh.

At Vinh Tan Power Center, EVN and its member units are managing and operating the Vinh Tan 2, Vinh Tan 4, and expanded Vinh Tan 4 Thermal Power Plants. Over the past time, EVN has directed thermal power plants (TPPs) to strictly and fully implement the environmental impact assessment (EIA) contents, and implement environmental protection works and measures following regulations.

Currently, the emission parameters of TPPs have been automatically continuously monitored and signaled to the Binh Thuan Provincial Department of Natural Resources and Environment for monitoring 24/24. The results of air environment periodic monitoring in the plant areas and the surrounding environment, since the units came into operation (in 2019) until now, have all met QCVN 05:2013/BTNMT standards.

Supervisory delegation of National Assembly Standing Committee working at Binh Thuan Provincial People's Committee

In order to minimize dust generation during production activities and prevent dust dispersion into the surrounding environment, EVN and its units have researched and implemented many additional measures (compared to the approved EIA). Effective measures have been implemented in recent years such as covering coal conveyors and coal transfer towers; misting dust; deploying solutions to operate coal supply and flexibly break coal piles, adapting to each weather condition; implementing solutions to reduce dust from silo area, and ash and slag transportation, etc.


EVN Vice President Ngo Son Hai reporting at meeting

Binh Thuan - a major energy center of the country

Regarding some specific issues, with environmental work, ash and slag treatment at Vinh Tan Power Center, the Supervisory Delegation of the National Assembly Standing Committee suggested the ministries of Construction, Natural Resources and Environment, and Industry and Trade, relevant agencies, and Binh Thuan Provincial People's Committee strictly implement Directive No. 08/CT-TTg dated March 26, 2021 of the Prime Minister on accelerating the treatment and use of ash, slag, and gypsum of thermal-power, chemical, fertilizer plants as raw materials for production of building materials and in construction works. Binh Thuan, Ninh Thuan and neighboring provinces research and continue to support the option of using ash and slag as a material for leveling ground, restoring mines, and making embankment materials to prevent erosion of coastal works, and encroach on the sea, etc.

Vinh Tan 2 Thermal Power Plant

According to the report of Binh Thuan Provincial People's Committee at the meeting, the energy development (mainly electric) in the province in the 2016 - 2021 period is based on the national power development planning period 2011 - 2020, with a vision to 2030 (Power Master Plan VII), and adjusted Power Master Plan VII.

Binh Thuan is a province with the highest potential for wind and solar energy in the country. The Politburo concluded No. 76-KL/TW on November 28, 2013, identifying Binh Thuan as a national energy center.

In Binh Thuan province, from April 24-26, the Supervisory Delegation of the National Standing Committee worked with the Provincial Party Committee, the People's Council, the People's Committee, the National Assembly delegation of Binh Thuan province and related agencies on the socio-economic situation, national defense and security assurance, focusing on marine economic development and energy development issues of Binh Thuan province and Phu Quy island district. The delegation conducted field surveys at some wind and solar power plants, Vinh Tan Thermal Power Center, mineral mines, etc.

  • 26/04/2023 07:16
  • 74