EVN petitions many solutions to ensure the security of power supply in the coming years

Workshop on "International experience on energy development for national sustainable development goals" organized by the National Assembly's Foreign Affairs Committee on 23 September 2022 in Hanoi. Representative of Vietnam Electricity (EVN), Mr. Ngo Son Hai - Vice President of EVN gave a speech at the workshop, which petitioned many solutions to ensure power supply for Vietnam's socio-economic development needs to serve the sustainable development goals.

At the workshop, EVN clarified many difficulties and obstacles in the power system operation, due to the uneven development between renewable energy sources and transmission power grids; the arrangement of sufficient capital to meet investment needs in the context that investment demand in the Power sector needs an average of USD13 billion/year for the period 2021-2030; the investment and construction of power projects, in general, has faced difficulties in recent years in terms of investment procedures and especially compensation, site clearance, policy on the conversion of forest land use purposes, etc

Mr. Ngo Son Hai - Vice President of EVN speaking at the workshop

The "hot spots" need to be removed

EVN petitioned the Ministry of Industry and Trade to direct power source projects outside of EVN to ensure on-schedule and stable and reliable operation of power plants outside of EVN.

In addition, EVN proposed a mechanism for the private sector to invest in energy storage battery systems with an appropriate capacity scale (about 20-25% capacity) in the wind and solar power plants to maintain stable capacity operation for these plants, limiting local overload of the power grid.

Regarding fuel sources for power production, EVN petitioned the Government to direct and create conditions for domestic coal mining units to develop new coal mines, in order to increase the volume of domestically produced coal for power generation, and at the same time maintain and stabilize the price of coal sold for power production.

For renewable energy sources, continuing to have a development machine with the rate and capacity scale in line with the natural potential, the responsiveness of the power grid infrastructure in each region, and reasonable price of electricity. In addition, increasing electricity imports from neighboring countries to diversify imported energy sources.

Regarding capital arrangement, EVN petitioned the Government to have a mechanism for arranging capital and guaranteeing loans for EVN and state economic corporations to invest in key power source and grid projects under the National Power Development Plan; which allows EVN to directly borrow foreign capital by self-borrowing, the self-responsible method for debt repayment to foreign borrowers in accordance with the conditions committed in the loan agreements, without limiting the loan value at project level B; etc

EVN also petitioned the Government to assign state economic corporations to play a leading role in energy, in which, assigning EVN to invest in projects of national key power sources, multi-purpose power sources, transmission power grid to supply electricity for loads, social security, etc so that EVN has enough time to prepare and implement, increase the proportion of EVN's power sources to ensure assigned roles and tasks.

  • 23/09/2022 04:28
  • evn.com.vn
  • 325