EVN pioneers in electricity-saving

Vietnam Electricity has just submitted to the Prime Minister a draft electricity saving plan for the period of 2022 – 2025, which set goals and synchronous solutions to effectively implement electricity-saving programs in the coming time.

In 2010 - 2021: Saving 37.1 billion kWh

According to EVN's report, in the period 2010 - 2021, the whole country saved 37.1 billion kWh of electricity, equivalent to VND 66,781 billion and 2% of the power sales. Notably, the electricity saving of a year is higher than that of the previous year.

EVN’s employees were spreading information about electricity-saving to consumers

EVN has actively directed its member organizations to strictly follow provisions of the Law on Economical and Efficient Use of Energy; closely obey directions of the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Industry and Trade on electricity saving. Besides, EVN has proactively and timely issued operating instructions, organized the implementation of electricity saving activities at power corporations/power companies, bringing about high efficiency.

In the period 2010 - 2021, EVN has extensively and intensively implemented many electricity-saving programs such as communication on electricity saving; promoting the replacement of incandescent and compact fluorescent bulbs with energy-saving bulbs; supporting the promotion of solar water heater installation (replacing electric water heaters); Earth Hour; households saving electricity, etc.

In parallel with communication activities, EVN has implemented pilot programs such as an electricity-saving model in industrial shrimp farming in 9 provinces of the Mekong Delta; supporting farmers in Binh Thuan, Long An and Tien Giang provinces to replace incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs for off-season flowering dragon fruit trees; piloting energy saving by the Energy Service Company (ESCO) model. The Group has also designed a new electricity bill template for customers to save electricity by comparing it with the average electricity usage in their residential area; installing rooftop solar power panels at headquarters of EVN affiliated units, etc.

EVN maintains a pioneering role

EVN continues to be a pioneer in implementing electricity-saving programs in the period 2022 - 2025

In the period 2022 - 2025, EVN has determined to continue to be a leader in the economical and efficient use of energy in society; playing the role of a pioneer, actively driving energy-saving activities for customers and the community.

The draft electricity saving program for the period 2022 - 2025 sets the following targets: reducing power loss of the entire power system to less than 6%; electronicizing communication materials, deploying many extensive and intensive communication activities on electricity saving nationwide, regularly and continuously, on traditional communication channels and social networks; flattening the peak capacity of the national power system through the implementation of DSM and demand response (DR) programs of at least 1,500 MW by 2025.

To effectively reach these targets, it is necessary to implement synchronously solutions; especially requiring drastic participation of ministries, agencies and local authorities; in which energy-using facilities consuming more than 1 million kWh/year must save at least 2% of electricity consumed per product unit per year.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade should have mechanisms and policies to promote an energy-saving service market under the ESCO model; making available financial mechanisms to support and encourage people and businesses to use energy-efficient products and equipment; financial mechanisms for EVN to implement electricity-saving promotion and communication programs and activities; incentive mechanisms for motivating customers to join demand response (DR) programs; study and issuance of incentive mechanisms to motivate the development of distributed, new and renewable energy sources, preferably for self-consumption to promote natural potentials; supporting and facilitating people and businesses access to green and clean energy sources, contributing to ensuring energy security and protecting the environment, etc.

  • 12/08/2022 11:05
  • evn.com.vn
  • 211