EVNSPC and the digital transformation process: Pilot, fast deploy, then evaluate and replicate

"Building digital transformation policies, be willing to accept and experiment new ideas and technologies in a controlled manner; forming a culture of accepting and experimenting with creative innovation, piloting and fast deploying then evaluating and replicating; promoting innovation and creative development” - General Director of Southern Power Corporation (EVNSPC) Nguyen Phuoc Duc shared about the digital transformation roadmap and the Corporation's approach.

Central and urgent task

EVNSPC's digital transformation roadmap in the period of 2021 - 2025:

- Period 2021 - 2022: Building a digital culture, implementing digital transformation in several professional activities to solve current problems and building basic foundations for digital transformation in line with EVN's digital transformation roadmap

- Period of 2023 - 2025:

+ Implementing a comprehensive digital transformation in professional activities;

+ Researching some new services to serve the increasing electricity demand of customers with the best efficiency.

 The Corporation has focused on 3 areas: Building a digital culture; professional activities; improving infrastructure capacity for digital transformation.

Over the years, most of the operation fields of EVNSPC have been applied uniformly shared software at all levels throughout the Corporation. EVNSPC has its telecommunications infrastructure with high-speed fiber optic cable and transmission equipment. The telecommunications system can self-provide over 95% of services for operating the power system and for production and business operations.

For information technology infrastructure, EVNSPC is currently operating and exploiting Datacenter Recovery (DR) and (Disaster Recovery – DR) systems. WAN network system connects to all level 4 units. Video conferencing system, fiber optic network system, transmission equipment serving to connect 110kV, 220kV substations to remote control centers and the Southern Power System Dispatch Center.

The Corporation has successfully deployed connected and integrated shared applications of EVN according to the roadmap, meeting the requirements of sustainable development of EVNSPC.

In the field of business - customer service, the Corporation has promoted online electricity services: Converting all forms of collecting electricity bills at home and directly at electricity-using facilities into the form of electronic payments without cash; increasing the rate of customers installing and using the customer care App of EVNSPC and Zalo, etc.

Efficient exploitation and operation of the power grid is one of the "destinations" of digital transformation

Methodical, on the right route

From the period of 2021-2022 up to 2025, EVNSPC has chosen digital transformation with 5 focuses to improve management capacity and efficient operation of the power grid; improve customer service quality; improve project management capacity in the construction investment field; improve internal management capacity; improve telecommunications infrastructure capacity, apply digital technology platforms, etc. To achieve the set goals, EVNSPC has developed plans and specific solutions and tasks such as Customer-centric; providing online services; interconnection with the National Public Service Portal; automating internal processes and processes with customers, partners, etc.

One of the remarkable solutions is the successful implementation of EVN's integrated and linked shared applications according to the roadmap, at the same time researching and building specific software to meet the sustainable development requirements of EVNSPC.

EVNSPC continues to improve its own IT and telecommunications infrastructure, ensure information safety and security at all levels, and meet the readiness for the digital transformation roadmap for the 2021-2022 period. At the same time, promote training and development of a high-quality IT and information security expert team, mastering the operation and deployment of applications, progressing to mastering technology.

5 digital transformation focuses for the period 2021 - 2022:

- Promote the digital technology applied to innovate and improve the management and operation process of the power system;

- Experienced design to attract more and more customers to interact on digital channels, enhance analytics to understand customers;

- Improve processes, optimize corporate governance, strengthen data-driven governance and decision-making;

- Build a digitally informed, conscious and skilled workforce;

- Build a strong, flexible digital ecosystem, maximize shared services and data, enhance security.

  • 24/12/2021 03:22
  • evn.com.vn
  • 234