Energizing West Hanoi - Thuong Tin 500kV transmission line

At 8:57 a.m. on 5 January 2022, the Northern Power Projects Management Board (NPMB) in coordination with relevant organizations successfully energized West Hanoi - Thuong Tin 500kV transmission line project.

This project is a special grade energy project of group A, with a total investment cost of more than VND 856.4 billion, invested by the National Power Transmission Corporation (EVNNPT).

The project is composed of construction of a new 500kV double-circuit transmission line with a total length of 40.7km, the starting point is at West Hanoi 500kV substation, the end point is at Thuong Tin 500kV substation. The whole line includes 96 tower positions passing through 4 districts of Hanoi (Quoc Oai, Chuong My, Thanh Oai and Thuong Tin).

A meeting of the acceptance committee at project owner level (EVNNPT) on 4 January 2022

West Hanoi - Thuong Tin 500kV transmission line has been completed and energized

The project is put into operation to meet the demand for load growth of the North, especially the South Red River area, including Hanoi capital; strengthening the interconnection of the 500kV power grid around the capital and stabilizing the national power system. The completion of the project at this time is to ensure electricity supply for Hanoi from the hot season of 2022, as well as for the economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • 05/01/2022 03:33
  • evn.com.vn
  • 160