Removing obstacles for power grid projects to soak up renewable energy in Ninh Thuan province

This is one of the recommendations made by of Vietnam Electricity (EVN) at the meeting between the delegation of the Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises, the Central Businesses' Party Committee and Ninh Thuan province on September 20, 2019.

Currently, 100% of communes and 99.98% of households in Ninh Thuan province have access to electricity. This province is also a new energy, clean energy center of the country. To date, there are 18 wind and solar power projects across the province with a total capacity of 1,180MW being integrated into the national power grid.

According to Mr. Duong Quang Thanh - Chairman of EVN's Board of Directors, the rapid growth of solar power in the province has caused an overload on the transmission power grid. EVN and its member units have been putting their best efforts to speed up the implementation progress of power grid projects in the province, however, the implementation of construction investment projects have faced many difficulties.

In order to enhance the absorption of output from renewable energy projects, besides accelerating power grid projects according to the master plan, EVN has considered a plan to build a temporary 220kV substation with a capacity of 250MVA and put it into operation as soon as possible (at the latest in the second quarter of 2020). However, in order to carry out this project, EVN has proposed that Ninh Thuan People's Committee should agree on the investment policy and report to the Ministry of Industry and Trade for their approval.

Mr. Nguyen Hoang Anh - Chairman of the Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises (the fourth person from the right) representing the delegation handed over the donation of EVN to the Fatherland Front Committee of Ninh Thuan Province to support local social security activities

Mr. Duong Quang Thanh also recommended that Ninh Thuan Province should further create favorable conditions for and support EVN’s member units in implementing power projects in accordance with the National Power Development Plan for the period of 2011-2020, with a vision to 2030 approved by the Prime Minister and the Power Development Master Plan of Ninh Thuan province. At the same time, the province should provide the best support for investors in their compensation and site clearance activities to meet targets and the required time schedule; making available sufficient land fund for projects, especially for 500/220/110kV power lines and substations, etc.

Ninh Thuan province should extend more supports to the power sector in their communication activities, in examination and monitoring of the economical and efficient use of electricity; protection of rights of way of high-voltage grid projects; assisting Ninh Thuan Power Company in introducing electricity services into public administrative centers of all levels in the province, etc.

Mr. Luu Xuan Vinh - Chairman of Ninh Thuan People's Committee highly appreciated the role of state-owned groups and corporations in the local socio-economic development, particularly EVN has made a great contribution to enabling Ninh Thuan province to be a center of renewable energy of the whole country. Mr. Luu Xuan Vinh also affirmed that in the coming time, the provincial People's Committee would keep on considering and coordinating with EVN to solve difficulties of the ongoing projects in the province.

Also at this meeting, Vietnam Electricity donated VND 500 million to the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Ninh Thuan Province to support social security activities in the province.

  • 20/09/2019 03:54
  • 911