Dak Lak PC: Ensuring safety of high-voltage power grid corridors in planted and primary forests

16:06, 14/11/2024

Dak Lak PC has increased the work of clearing corridors and propagandizing electrical safety, especially in areas with planted and primary forests.

Entering the rainy and stormy season, there is an increasing risk of trees falling into corridors and causing power grid incidents. To ensure the safety of high-voltage power grid corridors, Dak Lak Power Company (Dak Lak PC) has required operational management units to increase the work of clearing corridors and propagandizing electrical safety, especially in areas with planted and primary forests such as Ea Kar and M'Drak districts (Dak Lak province).

Dak Lak PC ensures safety of high-voltage power grids in planted and primary forests

Closely following the direction of Dak Lak PC, since the beginning of 2024, Ea Kar Power Unit has proactively focused on implementing synchronous solutions. Internally, in addition to assigning operational management tasks to each employee in a specific area to enhance individual responsibility, the unit also focuses on inspecting and clearing the line corridor and handling defects on the power grid. Ea Kar Power Unit has compiled all locations at risk of causing grid incidents due to corridor obstructions to have a plan to eliminate black spots that cause grid incidents gradually. The power unit has arranged for key staff to regularly inspect, control, and support employees to successfully complete the power line’s operational management tasks.

Externally, the unit has strengthened propaganda work to improve people's knowledge of ensuring safety for high-voltage power grid corridors through announcements on mass media such as district and commune loudspeakers; zalo groups of communes/towns; distributing leaflets to more than 2,000 households living near the power grid corridor. The unit directly worked with 03 households in Ea Lai, Ea M'doan, Ea Trang communes of M'Drak district to clear more than 500 acacia trees, eliminating three black spots in the power line corridor. The unit also worked with M'Drak Forestry One Member Co., Ltd. and EaKar Forestry One Member Co., Ltd., and forest planting organizations and households with acacia trees near the corridor, to coordinate the exploitation time to ensure safety for people and property. In addition, the unit regularly reports to local authorities on problems and coordinates with grassroots levels to widely propagate safety assurance work of high-voltage power grid corridors so that people understand and work well with the power sector.

Translator: Thu Hường
