EVN organizes discussions with number of investors in renewable energy projects to remove obstacles and difficulties in Resolution 233 Spirit of Government

11:25, 16/03/2025

Implementing the direction of the Government in Resolution No. 233/NQ-CP dated 10 December  2024 on the regular Government meeting session in November 2024 and Report No. 321/BC-BCT dated 12 December 2024 of the Ministry of Industry and Trade on implementing the Resolution of the Government on policies and directions to remove obstacles and difficulties for renewable energy (RE) power projects; In recent days, the Electricity Power Trading Company (EVNEPTC) and representatives of some EVN Departments have organized meetings and discussions with representatives of renewable energy project investors (REPIs) who have acceptance Document of test results by the competent state agency (CCA) after the recognition date of the Commercial Operation Date (COD) to disseminate, dialogue and exchange information.

At the meeting sessions, EVN/EPTC representatives also requested that Investors provide information on the report on the completion of construction of the work item /work to the competent state agency requesting inspection of the acceptance work to put the project into use; clarify whether the project is implemented by the investor himself or is transferred or assigned from another investor; to provide information on the foreign investment ratio in the project (if any).

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In addition, according to the content of Report No. 321/BC-BCT dated 12 December 2024 of the Ministry of Industry and Trade at the meeting session between the leaders of the Government, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, EVN, and the investors of renewable energy projects on 12 December  2024, it was clearly stated: “For projects that are enjoying FIT prices and violate the conclusion of competent authorities due to not meeting the conditions to enjoy FIT prices, they will not enjoy preferential FIT prices but must re-determine the electricity purchase price according to regulations; recover the preferential FIT prices that have been enjoyed incorrectly through offset payment for electricity purchases”. EVN/EPTC representatives also informed investors of renewable energy projects who have accepted the Document of test results by the competent state agency (CCA) after the expiry date of the FIT price decisions to discuss the possibility of adjusting the electricity selling price according to the FIT mechanism (Mechanism for applying preferential electricity selling prices) while waiting for instructions/conclusions from the competent agencies.

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Based on the content of the exchange and discussion, EVN/EPTC will fully synthesize the opinions and recommendations of each investor to continue to promptly report to the Government and the Ministry of Industry and Trade to find reasonable solutions, ensuring harmony of interests between the parties.

Translator: Hải Yến
