Applying technology to digitalize power projects on BIM platform

This is the topic of the conference held on September 15 in Ho Chi Minh City by the Power Engineering Consulting Joint Stock Company No.2 (PECC2) as requested by Vietnam Electricity (EVN). The conference was held online and connected to 19 endpoints at power project management boards and member corporations under EVN.

Mr. Nguyen Tai Anh - EVN's Vice President attended and chaired the conference.

Building information modeling BIM is considered as one of the important solutions to approach Industry 4.0 in the field of construction.

At the conference, PECC2 presented an overview of BIM, Scan-to-BIM, benefits and practical effects of this technology solution throughout the entire project life cycle. Specifically, BIM and Scan-to-BIM help to solve problems commonly faced by customers during project implementation such as inconsistent archives, lack of asset management, risk management tools, etc.

In particular, the Scan-To-BIM service enables users to promptly do site investigation and simulate the current situation; supervise construction, monitor progress, evaluate and control quality through the point cloud model, thereby provide accurate information for the installation work; facilitating acceptance during construction, actual inspection, analyzing potential problems that may arise in the process of upgrading and expansion, which help assess safety over time, digitizing, forming an electronic library, measuring dimensions, locating coordinates remotely, etc.

In 2021, PECC2 completed the first pilot Scan-To-BIM project - the 500kV switchyard of Vinh Tan 4 Thermal Power Plant - in just 2 months of study and implementation. PECC2 is also the selected consultant to implement and apply BIM for Tri An Hydropower Plant Extension project, thereby improving the efficiency of construction investment, operation management, exploiting and optimizing renewable energy sources.

On this occasion, EVN's member units discussed and clarified many issues about the application of BIM technology in project construction.

Also within the framework of the conference, the delegates had a chance to visit the "PECC2 Digital Space" area, experienced virtual reality (VR) technology and some other digital technology applications to power projects at the Digital Competence Center PECC2 (DCC).

Some photos from the conference:

The conference was held at PECC2 headquarters and connected to 19 endpoints in an online format. In the photo, Mr. Nguyen Chon Hung - Chairman of PECC2 Board of Directors shared about BIM, Scan-to-BIM platform.

Mr. Nguyen Tai Anh - EVN's Vice President spoke at the conference.

Delegates visited the "PECC2 Digital Space" area at the PECC2 Digital Competence Center (DCC).

  • 14/09/2022 10:05
  • 252