Power loss remains high: What are the reasons and solutions?

Despite many efforts, for the first 6 months of 2016, the power loss of EVN reached only 7.92%, 0.22% higher than the year’s planned target. What are the main reasons and what solutions to come up with to accomplish the power loss target of 2016?

Power loss in the transmission grid

For the first 6 months of 2016, the power loss of the whole EVN power network is 7.92%, lower than that of the same period of 2015 (8.33%). According to Mr. Le Viet Hung, Deputy Director of Technical & Operational Department (EVN), the power loss in the transmission grid depends significantly on the transmission output of the North – South 500kV line. Once the output of the North – South 500kV line increases, the power loss in the transmission grid increases also. However, to ensure the overall operational efficiency of the power sector, the efficient and proper operation of the power system is always the priority.

EVN to ensure the progress of power grid projects to  help reduce power loss

Besides technical power loss, another reason also  resulting in high loss in recent years is power theft. For the first six months of 2016, the units have checked 1,625,199 cases and detected 2,479 cases of power  theft. Among them, 2,156 cases are caused by households, accounting for 86.9%. The collected power was 8.416 million kWh (accounting for 0.011% compared with the commercial power output).

What solutions to come up with ?

To meet the target for power loss in 2016 not exceeding 7.7%, right at the beginning of the year, EVN assigned the targets to the units. At the same time, EVN’s General Director and Head of the Power Loss Steering Committee requested all the units to check the whole power system, especially the low voltage system, handle overloading situations, completing diagrams, adding switching and cutting devices, etc.


Besides, it is necessary to strengthen operation management and maintenance of equipment as well as prevention of power grid break-downs. The load dispatch at different levels shall coordinate with the generation, transmission and distribution units to perform logical operation modes, including re-acting flow on the system. The units shall strictly observe the planned outages, perform multiple tasks simultaneously to shorten the outage duration for customers and actively install capacitor according to the assigned plan. Also, it is required to continue to review and complete the procurement standards of materials and equipment, make sure that the materials and equipment procured are of high quality, and low power loss.

Power theft is one of the reasons of power loss - Photo: collected.

In addition, to reduce power loss, EVN has instructed  the units to continue provide electricity meters with remote supervision and alarm functions which can record violation actions. Sealing lead, meters, CT, VT and circuits avoiding interference from outside, etc., shall be applied.

In terms of operation, it is required to continue to improve the supervision and monitoring system of power purchasing contracts; improve professional skills and enhance responsibilities of the working teams on reducing power loss; inspect, detect and promptly handle violation cases. Strengthening management of power loss of each power line and each substation. Making comparisons of power loss  among different regions with technical loss  calculations in order to inspect and promptly handle abnormal results. Continuing to coordinate with the local governments, functional agencies in propaganda against violation of the use of electricity to prevent and stop and strictly settle violation cases.

  • 25/08/2016 02:27
  • evn.com.vn
  • 2048