EVN joined the National Assembly's delegation to follow up Ninh Thuan nuclear power project halting policy implementation

On 13 April 2022, in Ninh Thuan province, the Economic Commission in coordination with the Science, Technology and Environment Commission, and the People's Committee of Ninh Thuan province organized a conference on a 5-year follow-up report on the implementation of Resolution No. 31/2016/QH14 of the National Assembly on halting the investment policy implementation of Ninh Thuan nuclear power project (2016-2021).

Mr. Nguyen Duc Hai - Member of the Party Central Committee, Vice Chairman of the National Assembly chaired and delivered a keynote address at the conference.

The conference was co-chaired by members of the Party Central Committee: Chairman of the Economic Commission Vu Hong Thanh; Chairman of the Science, Technology and Environment Commission Le Quang Huy; Secretary of Ninh Thuan Provincial Party Committee Nguyen Duc Thanh.

Attending the conference were also representatives of central ministries and bodies. On the side of Vietnam Electricity (EVN) was Vice President Nguyen Tai Anh.

On 14 October 2016, the Party Central Executive Committee issued Resolution No. 03-NQ/TW approving the policy of halting the implementation of the nuclear power plant construction project in Ninh Thuan province. On that political basis, the National Assembly issued Resolution No. 31/2016/QH14 dated 22 November 2016 on halting the investment policy implementation of Ninh Thuan nuclear power project.

Reporting at the conference, Chairman of Ninh Thuan Provincial People's Committee Tran Quoc Nam said that after the National Assembly issued Resolution No. 31/2016/QH14, Ninh Thuan province has adjusted its strategy from focusing on developing two nuclear power plants to developing renewable energy, accordingly the province has focused on developing wind power, solar power and driving force projects to replace nuclear power plants in line with the master plan approved by the Prime Minister.

EVN Vice President Nguyen Tai Anh delivered a speech at the conference

At this conference, EVN Vice President Nguyen Tai Anh delivered a speech. Accordingly, upon Resolution 31/2016/QH14, EVN in collaboration with relevant organizations carried out legal procedures to halt the preparation, verification and appraisal of site approval dossiers and feasibility study reports of two nuclear power projects Ninh Thuan 1 and 2. EVN worked with foreign partners to terminate contracts and carry out payment procedures in accordance with the provisions of the contracts. EVN handled issues related to the component projects which had been assigned to EVN as an investor in a timely manner, with the lowest risks and arising costs.

EVN Vice President Nguyen Tai Anh mentioned a number of difficulties when halting the investment in Ninh Thuan Nuclear Power Project according to Resolution No. 31/2016/QH14; at the same time, he made a number of proposals to the National Assembly and the Government of jointly resolving outstanding issues together with EVN.

At the conference, the delegates discussed, comprehensively assessed, clarified achievements and highlighted experiences gained after 5 years of implementing the policy of the Party Central Committee and the Resolution of the National Assembly. The delegates also proposed directions, plans and tasks in the coming time, especially solutions to remove difficulties and obstacles, focusing on policies and legal subjects under the authority of each level. In particular, attention should be paid to planning, livelihood transformation for people, social security, development of renewable energy, safe and effective energy sources.

  • 13/04/2022 09:12
  • evn.com.vn
  • 174