EVN leaders inspect the progress of two power transmission projects importing energy from Laos to Vietnam

On September 21-22, Mr. Nguyen Duc Cuong – a member of the Vietnam Electricity (EVN) Member Board and Mr. Nguyen Tai Anh – EVN Vice President inspected the site and worked on the implementation of two power transmission projects assigned to Power Project Management Board 2, serving energy import from Laos to Vietnam.

According to a report of Power Project Management Board 2 (PMB2), the Dak Ooc Switching Station 220kV project (Quang Nam Province) and the 220kV transmission lines connecting Nam Emoun Hydropower Plant (Laos) to the Vietnam power system are expected to be completed in the QII/2023. The whole site of the Dak Ooc 220kV switching station was handed over to the contractor who would construct the substation on 8 September 2022. As for the 220kV connecting power lines, PMB2 is carrying out procedures with local authorities to recover the land for 15 foundation positions that are not related to natural forests. As for the 23 foundation positions which are related to natural forests, an application for a policy on the conversion of forest land use purposes conversion is being implemented. The implementation of the project encountered many difficulties which are mainly related to the requirement of an application for the policy of converting forest use purposes. In addition, the construction time is in the rainy season, which also affects the implementation progress.

EVN delegation checking construction progress of Bo Y 220kV switching station project and its 220kV connecting lines in Kon Tum province. Photo: Chien Thang

Bo Y 220kV Switching station project (Kon Tum) and 220kV lines connecting NamKong 1, 2 and 3 hydropower plants (Laos) to the Vietnam power system are expected to be completed in December 2022. Up to now, the entire site land of the switching station and 20/23 foundation positions had been handed over, and procedures are being applied to the remaining three foundation positions in an attempt to get the land handover completed in September. Regarding construction progress, the substation part is being leveled, the road to the construction site, fence and control house, busbar gantry, equipment support pillars are under construction. Regarding the 220kV power line parts, 13/23 foundations have been built, and 9/12 steel towers have been installed. The project construction has encountered some difficulties such as site clearance of the remaining three foundation positions taking a long time, the rainy weather lasting for a long time greatly affecting the progress.

For the Bo Y 220kV Switching Station project and its 220kV connecting lines, EVN leaders required PMB2 to urge the contractor to adhere to the signed contract, to complete construction and energize the station on December 2022. As for the 220kV Dak Ooc Switching Station project and its 220kV connecting power lines, it is necessary to stick close to the local authorities to speed up site clearance in order to hand over land to the contractor. To urge the contractor to concentrate manpower and equipment, to have suitable construction solutions to weather conditions in the area to meet the technical and progress requirements.

Units constructing the Bo Y 220kV Switching Station project. September 2022. Photo: Chien Thang

  • 23/09/2022 03:05
  • evn.com.vn
  • 156