'Energy saving in key energy-using industrial enterprises'

That is the topic of the forum on energy saving organized by the Office of the Steering Committee for Energy Efficiency on September 20, in Hanoi. One of the notable pieces of information, industries are accounting for more than 47% of total national energy consumption, with the potential to save energy up to 30-35%.

Currently, the whole country has 2,961 key energy users (energy consumption of 1,000 TOE or more, equivalent to 6 million kWh/year), most of which are industrial production enterprises. The average power consumption of these facilities is up to 72 billion kWh/year, accounting for 33% of the total power consumption of the country.

If these enterprises save at least 2% of power consumption/year (according to Directive No. 20 on enhancing power saving in the period of 2020-2025 of the Prime Minister), the country will save about 1.4 billion kWh per year on average. Therefore, the economical and efficient use of energy in industrial enterprises makes an important contribution to reducing the pressure on power supply, and at the same time is a practical solution to reduce costs for enterprises, thereby improving the efficiency of the economy.

Mr. Tran Viet Nguyen - Deputy Head of EVN's Sales Department (far right) spoke at the forum.

Mr. Tran Viet Nguyen - Deputy Head of EVN's Business Department shared that Vietnam Power has piloted providing a number of solutions for industrial enterprise customers under the full investment method, in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of power saving for businesses. In addition, EVN has invested strongly in power metering infrastructure, providing free power consumption information to customers, and at the same time giving warnings when businesses consume more than 30%. Most industrial enterprises can track their power consumption. However, the application of energy-saving solutions in enterprises is still in limitation. One of the main reasons is the lack of energy management resources as well as financial resources to invest in energy-saving solutions, etc.

  • 20/09/2022 04:26
  • evn.com.vn
  • 432