Ensuring safe and smooth power transmission in the South Central and Central Highlands regions during the hot season

Facing the forecast that the power transmission demand will increase in this year's hot season, be the unit that manages and operates the transmission grid in the South Central and the Central Highlands regions - which is considered the "arm" of the North-South transmission system, Power Transmission Company 3 (PTC 3) has made a thorough preparation.

Clearing millions of square meters of corridors

In the dry season, this area often has the potential for forest fires outside the corridor, which is likely to cause electrical problems. Right from the end of 2021, PTC3 has implemented corridor treatment, corona discharge inspection and insulation cleaning for contaminated areas planning to ensure power supply in the dry season of 2022.

PTC 3 cooperates with Ninh Thuan provincial police force to inspect the power transmission system, April 2022

According to Mr. Nguyen Manh Tuong - Head of the Safety Department of PTC 3, up to now, the company has cleared, cleaned and created a safe fire-proof corridor for the transmission line with a volume of over 3.7 million m2, reaching 98.93% of the plan, expected to be completed by mid-May. For the sugarcane cultivation area, the regional power transmission units continue to monitor and actively work with the owners, sugar mills, and the People's Committees of communes, wards and towns to have an early sugarcane harvest plan.

The regional power transmission units are regularly patrolled until the fire risk causing a breakdown is completely eliminated. Some key locations and spans have been installed with surveillance cameras. The company has affixed propaganda pallets and road-crossing warning signs at spans with low phase-ground height, danger signs, and transmission line corridor boundary signs.

PTC 3 has worked with local authorities, the Steering Committee for Safety and Protection of the High Voltage Power Grid, and the Economic Security Division (PA04) - police of the provinces where the line passes on ensuring the safe and stable operation of the transmission grid; signed a commitment to ensure the safety of the power grid corridor with agricultural and forestry farms, protection forest management boards, People's Committees of communes, wards, towns and households living along the line, households with land, fields, and sugarcane fields under the lines.

Dak Nong power transmission implements fire-proof clearance and vegetation cleaning around 3012-3013 spans of Pleiku - Dak Nong 500kV transmission line, April 2022

Increased inspecting frequency

Due to the rapid growth of solar and wind power sources in the past short time, some lines operated by PTC 3 are always in a full load state, sometimes overloaded. Along with the economy recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic, industrial and consumer loads have increased compared to before, so the company closely monitors lines and transformers that are likely to be overloaded to coordinate with dispatching levels to make timely adjustments to avoid incidents affecting the operation of the power system. The company increased the frequency of inspecting and measuring joint temperature and checking key spans, etc.

However, to ensure the safe operation of the transmission grid, Mr. Nguyen Manh Tuong - Head of the Safety Department of PTC 3 suggested local departments and people coordinate, support and well implement regulations on ensuring safety for high-voltage grid safety corridors, especially fields burning in and near the corridor; kite flying near the corridor, etc.

PTC 3 also recommends that agricultural and forestry farms, rubber companies, and protection forest management boards where the transmission line passes through coordinate and create conditions for the unit to trim tall trees to be able to fall into the corridor to eliminate the risk of safety distance violation.

  • 13/05/2022 05:45
  • evn.com.vn
  • 97