Promoting marine economic development in the Central region: Stable electricity supply attracts more investors

Not only the sufficient electricity supply, but the quality of electricity supply is also an important factor, creating the impetus for 14 central coastal provinces to develop sustainably, increase competitiveness, and attract investment capital into key economic sectors.

Marine economic potential

Quang Ngai is one of the provinces in the Central key economic region. This is also one of the provinces experiencing the highest growth of power sales in the country. Particularly in Lon Island, Ly Son Island District, while the number of electrified households in 2013 accounted for only 73.11%, in 2018 100% of households had access to electricity. The Chairman of People's Committee of Ly Son district, Mr. Nguyen Quoc Viet, affirmed that the access to national power grid has created a driving force for the district, changing the face of the district in socio-economic development, ensuring the security and national defense.

Thanks to the stable electricity supply, Ly Son has attracted many large businesses to invest in service, tourism sectors, contributing to the marine economic development of the island. Before 2013, the number of tourists to Ly Son island every year was less than 10,000. However in 2019, this number has increased by about 23 times. Thanks to the presence of the national power grid, Ly Son residents have applied the model of irrigation with sprinkler system (rain spray irrigation), saving the inherently scarce water resources on the island, and at the same time, saving manpower, increasing crop productivity, contributing to developing Ly Son garlic specialty brand. In addition, the stable power supply facilitates the development of fishery logistics services, fishermen and local people can assuredly cling to the sea.

Not only in Quang Ngai province, but in all 14 provinces in the North Central and Central Coast region, EVN and its power corporations have ensured electricity supply for local socio-economic development, serving daily-life needs of the local people. In the future, the Central Region is oriented to focus on developing the coastal and marine economy with the pillars: Fisheries, tourism, seaports, seafood processing industry, coastal industry and renewable energy development.

Da Nang city

Smart grid development

The "shifting" of the North Central Coast and Central Coast region has involved a great demand for electricity. To ensure sufficient electricity supply, EVN has constantly invested in developing on-site power generation projects. Since 2011, there have been 8 projects with a total capacity of 4,306 MW being put into operation in this region. With efficient electricity generation, these power plants not only meet the local electricity demand but also contribute significantly to the local budget. In addition, EVN and its member units have been implementing renewable energy investment projects (wind and solar power) in the provinces of Quang Tri, Khanh Hoa, Ninh Thuan, Binh Thuan, etc.

In line with the investment in and construction of power plants, EVN or the National Power Transmission Corporation has continuously invested in expanding the 500kV – 220kV power grids, strengthening the transmission capacity of the whole system in general and 14 central coastal provinces and cities in particular.

The electricity supply for tourism development, processing industry, etc. is not only sufficient, but also in good quality and with a high reliability. As for distribution grids in the North Central and Central Coast region, the power corporations under EVN have gradually developed advanced power grid infrastructure, towards the development of smart grids in the future. Typically, in 9 out of 14 coastal provinces in Central Vietnam, the Central Power Corporation has basically completed digitizing customer information on Google maps platform. Accordingly, grid information, tower coordinates, meter coordinates, etc. of customers in the Central region have been digitized on applications, which facilitates the data exploitation, shortens customer service time and improves service quality. In most provinces, EVN and its power corporations have successfully deployed remote control centers and unmanned substations, operating via SCADA system.

EVN and the power corporations also promote the application of advanced science and technology achievements to the grid operation such as: Technology for maintaining and repairing power grids without interrupting power supply (live-line working), live-line insulator washing, thermal camera application, detection of risks of incidents, use of automatic fault detection and localization system; thereby minimizing power outage duration and improving the power supply reliability. This is an extremely important factor, assuring businesses to invest, produce, manufacture, do business, and contributing to the development of key economic sectors in the Central region.

North Central and Central Coast region:

Including 14 coastal provinces from Thanh Hoa to Binh Thuan.

Population of the whole region: About 20.2 million people, accounting for 21% of the total population of the country

Natural area: Occupying 28.9% of the country's area.

Electricity demand of 14 provinces in 2018:

- Power sales growth rate: 10.2%, equivalent to the national average rate.

- Power sales: 25.44 billion kWh, of which the industry - construction load accounts for 39.5%.

  • 18/10/2019 04:45
  • 315