Invitation for Expression of Interest In supplying the Power Energy To Vietnam Electricity From LNG Floating Power Plant (LNG Power Ship)

Dear Sir,

Vietnam Electricity (EVN) is a Vietnam’s principal state-owned power utility who plays a key role in ensuring national energy security and takes responsibility for power generation, transmission and distribution in the country. In order to fulfill the rapidly increasing energy demand, especially in the period of 2021-2025, EVN plans to purchase the Power Energy produced by LNG Floating Power Plant as a potentially added source.

In this regard, EVN kindly invites eligible suppliers/investors of LNG Floating Power Plant (“Supplier”) to indicate their interest in supplying to EVN the Power Energy produced by their owned LNG Floating Power Plant starting from 2021 onward.  

All information and documents provided pursuant to this Invitation are furnished solely for the purpose of information receiving and interest confirmation from potential Suppliers who can provide the expected Power Energy to EVN and do not constitute any obligation and/or responsibility of EVN to buy such Power Energy until the Power Purchase Agreement is signed between the Supplier and EVN and is approved by the competent authorities of Vietnam.

The Invitation is confidential and are made available on the understanding that it is confidential. Recipients are not entitled to and undertake not to use any of the information contained in the Invitation for any purpose other than deciding whether or not to participate in the EOI process.

From the foregoing, EVN hereby invites you to submit an Expression of Interest which are in accordance with EVN requirements hereunder and be accompanied by the supporting documents. The Suppliers are requested to provide EVN the Expression of Interest showing comments and/or opinions of the Suppliers on the following requirements of EVN:

1. Scope of Supply:

EVN shall purchase the Power Energy from the Supplier.

The Supplier shall own, operate and maintain the Power Facility, which is off shore LNG Floating Power Facility (LNG Power Ship), in accordance with the Law of Vietnam, and sell the Power Energy to EVN.

2. Term of the Purchase

The Purchase is starting in 2021 and for the term of 5 years.

If the Supplier requires the longer term, please specify with justification.

3. Tariff component

The Tariff shall be overall one component, express in VND/kWh.

The tariff will be adjusted as per Fuel Index

The Supplier is requested to submit the formula to adjust the Tariff as per Fuel Index.

If the Supplier require any other factor for adjustment of the Tariff, please specify with the justification.

4. Tariff Payment

The Tariff shall be paid monthly in VND.

5. Supplier Responsibilities

During the whole term, the Supplier shall have the responsibilities including but not limited to:

- To obtain all the permit and license as required by Law of Vietnam for the Operation of the Facility and Selling the Power Energy to EVN;

- To operate the Facility in accordance with the Laws of Vietnam;

- To supply EVN the Energy as per the Power Purchase Agreement and the Law of Vietnam;

6. EVN Responsibilities

During the whole term, EVN shall have the following responsibilities which includes but not limited to:

- To obtain all the permit and license as required by Law of Vietnam for the Connection of the Facility to National Grid System and Dispatching the Power Facility;

- To pay the Tariff on time.

If the Supplier have any recommendation on EVN responsibilities so that the Power Energy is supplied on time, i.e. 2021, please specify

7. Tentative Project Location:

Tentative Site for the Power Plant are as follows:

  • My Giang site location – Khanh Hoa province
  • Ca Na site location – Ninh Thuan province
  • Son My site location – Binh Thuan province

Should the interested Supplier/Investor requests for any details for the above-mentioned potential installation sites, EVN would welcome for any directly discussion to help better understandings about the sites. EVN also welcome proposal from the Supplier for other Site which the Supplier see that is feasible for interconnection to the EVN Grid.

8. Description of the Floating Power Plant

The Suppliers are requested to provide EVN the Description of the Floating Power Plant which is accompanied by supporting documents and includes but not limited to:

  • Description of Configuration of the Power Plant;
  • Fuel to be used: Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) shall be given priority. Other fuel shall be for consideration.
  • Description of LNG Regasification.
  • Description of the infrastructure facilities, including jetty, mooring infrastructure and bridges, LNG unloading systems, gas pipelines and power cable lines to the on shore designated grid connection point.
  • Description how the Power Facility operate.
  • When the Power Plant was put in to Commercial Operation or will be put in to operation. The priority shall be given to the Facility that can sell the Power Energy to EVN in 2021 onward.
  • Description of the Net Capacity of the Power Plant (MW), Net Energy Output per year that the Power Facility can provide (MWH), Net Heat Rate of the Power Plant (BTU/kWh)

9. Description of the Capacity and Experience of the Supplier in supplying the Power Energy from the Floating Power Plant with the supporting documents.

10. Other comments/recommendations from the Supplier to EVN.

EVN and interested Supplier agree to maintain strict confidentiality over the confidential information disclosed, and shall not trade, publish or otherwise disclose to anyone in any manner whatsoever, without prior consent of the disclosing party, except in connection with the performance of activities conducted for the purposes of the Project.

Submissions for this EOI is due by 09:00 AM (Hanoi time) on November 15, 2019, and should be addressed to:

Vietnam Electricity
11 Cua Bac, Ba Dinh, Hanoi
Attention: Mr. Tran Dang Khoa
Head of Power Market Department
Tel: +84966981968

For the purpose of clarifications (no later than 3 days prior the above-mentioned deadline for EOI submissions), the address is as follows:
Vietnam Electricity
11 Cua Bac, Ba Dinh, Hanoi
Attention: Mr. Tran Dang Khoa
Head of Power Market Department

Tel: +84966981968


Thank you.     

Yours sincerely,     


Mr. Ngo Son Hai

Vice President

Vietnam Electricity



  • 16/10/2019 04:26
  • 24030