The power system and the electricity market have been operated safely, reliably and transparently

Mr. Tran Dinh Nhan, President and CEO of Vietnam Electricity (EVN) praised the National Load Dispatch Center (EVNNLDC) for operating the power system and the electricity market in a safe, reliable and transparent manner in 2021. The Conference on deploying tasks in 2020 of EVNNLDC took place on 10 January 2022 in Hanoi.

Mastering technology

In 2021, the total installed capacity of the whole power system reached 76,620MW, an increase of nearly 7,500MW compared to 2020, rising to the top of the ASEAN region. In particular, more than 70 wind power plants, with a total capacity of about 3,600 MW, were put into operation, bringing the proportion of renewable energy sources in the system to 20,670MW, accounting for 27% of the total installed capacity of the system.

EVN’s General Director Tran Dinh Nhan praised EVNNLDC's important contributions to the overall success of EVN in 2021

EVNNLDC has effectively operated the competitive electricity market, ensuring compliance with regulations, with 104 plants participating in the market directly, accounting for 36.8% of the total installed capacity of the system. The information technology infrastructure system has been working safely, reliably, without incidents in the context that the power system continues thriving and the electricity market transaction cycle is shortened from 1 hour to 30 minutes.

EVNLDC has put the AGC system (the equipment system that automatically adjusts to increase or decrease the available capacity of generating units) into real-time operation and control of renewable energy power plants; controlling power system frequency for multi-purpose hydropower power plants, combined with monitoring transmission limits, special shedding circuits, etc.

Mr. Nguyen Duc Ninh, Director of EVNNLDC spoke at the Conference

Making resources available to operate under the model of a one-member limited liability company

Mr. Ho Cong Trung, Secretary of the Party cell, Deputy Director of the Energy Department, Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises (on the left) awarded the Commission's Emulation Flag to the collective with excellent achievements in 2021 of EVNNLDC

EVN’s President and CEO Tran Dinh Nhan awarded EVN Emulation Flags to EVNNLDC's excellent achievement collectives in 2021

In 2022, in line with the year theme of EVN "safe, flexible and effective adaptation", EVNNLDC determines that its main objective is to operate the power system and the electricity market safely and transparently in the context of increasing penetration of renewable energy power plants; constantly update input data to calculate, set up an optimal mode of operation and dispatch, in order to improve the economic efficiency of the power system and reduce the cost of purchasing electricity.

The Center will keep on improving the accuracy of forecasting renewable energy generation capacity and power quality in system operation; formulating plans of operating and dispatching power sources with a minimum time frame of 30 minutes; promoting the application of science, technology and automating the operation and control of the power system.

Especially, in 2022, EVNNLDC will step up the governance and legal capacity building; improving the quality of human resource management, in order to meet the requirements of transforming the management model of the Center into a one-member limited liability company.

Impressive numbers of EVNDLC in 2021

- Taking control of 337 power plants, an increase of 73 plants compared to 2020;

- Performing 22,395 operation tickets on the 500/220/110kV grids safely, quickly and accurately

- Power quality in 2021 achieved good results:

+ Frequency deviation index (FDI): 0.014%, better than the plan assigned by EVN.

- Voltage deviation index (VDI) of 500kV grid: 0.073%, better than the plan assigned by EVN (3.0%).

- VDI index of 220/110kV grids in all regions was better than the assigned plan.

  • 10/01/2022 07:11
  • 1008