EVN Women in 4.0 Era
Currently, EVN has 20,643 female employees, accounting for 20.6% of the total number of employees in the industry. In fact, for many job positions, people only think of men, but women still excellently complete their assigned tasks such as Head of Technical Department or Deputy Technical Director. In the environmental field, many women have had initiatives to reduce "slag dust" - Vinh Tan Thermal Power Plant or "Natural bird garden" - Pha Lai Thermal Power Plant, etc.
As of October 2023, the number of female employees working in management positions from department/division/workshop/unit level III and above is 1,685 people, accounting for 13.05% of the total number of leaders and managers; an increase of 63 people compared to the end of 2022. Currently, EVN has 04 Corporations with female employees on the Board of Directors, including 01 Chairman of the Board of Directors of EVNNPC, 02 members of the Board of Directors of EVNHCMC and EVNGENCO3, 02 Vice President of EVNGENCO3 and EVNCPC.
According to Mr. Vo Quang Lam – EVN Vice President and head of the Department for the Advancement of Women of EVN, EVN has set a general target by 2025 to continue to narrow the gender gap in all fields (increase the proportion of women in occupational groups, especially in the management occupational group); improve the capacity of both men and women to meet the requirements of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, the digital transformation process.

Female employees account for 20.6% of total number of employees at Vietnam Electricity.
Learning, creating, and innovating mindset
In the current female employees of EVN, the largest number of female employees work in the business field- customer service, and archives. They must access information technology regularly, requiring them to constantly improve their professional qualifications and skills.
In the information technology field, although accounting for a small proportion, women have strongly deployed ERP software to all units in EVN.
Faced with the change from traditional working methods to modern operating and monitoring systems, EVN female employees have not hesitated to learn and innovate their working mindset, at the same time approach and share, help each other in their work, to increase labor productivity. Typically, the EVN Women's Innovation Contest is held every two years, each time it is held, more than 100 solutions and initiatives of women are recognized and applied to production and business at the units.
Translator: Hải Yến