EVNHCMC increases total number of ASEAN Professional Engineers to 262
09:17, 24/10/2024
Within the framework of the 42nd Conference of the ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organisations (CAFEO-42) held in Malaysia from 22-24 October 2024, Ho Chi Minh City Power Corporation (EVNHCMC) had 06 representative engineers participating in receiving the ASEAN Professional Engineer certificate, increasing the total number of ASEAN professional engineers of EVNHCMC to 262.
Specifically, at the CAFEO-42 conference, professional engineers of EVNHCMC in particular, and ASEAN professional engineers, in general, had the opportunity to approach, exchange, and share topics on innovation, creativity, and technological integration in the context of developing sustainable energy sources - one of the prominent topics in countries in the region.

6 EVNHCMC engineers receiving ASEAN Professional Engineer certificate at CAFEO-42
In particular, within the framework of the conference, engineer Nguyen Ngoc Le Quyen - Hoc Mon Power Company (EVNHCMC) represented Vietnam to present a speech on "Digital culture and digital transformation at Ho Chi Minh City Power Corporation". The speech clearly stated the results achieved in renewing thinking, unifying awareness of corporate culture associated with outstanding achievements in digital transformation, towards the target of EVNHCMC becoming a comprehensive, creative digital enterprise with a strong culture, pioneering innovation to accompany the development and integration of the country.

Engineer Nguyen Ngoc Le Quyen presenting speech within framework of Conference.
Among the Vietnamese engineers registered in the ASEAN Engineer Register in 2024, 28 were from EVNHCMC. Up to now, the total number of ASEAN professional engineers at EVNHCMC is 262. This noble professional title affirms the qualifications, capacity, and professional ethics of engineers, recognized by professional associations and society.
Translator: Hải Yến