Development of Power Plan VIII: What's new?

Electricity Magazine had a talk with Dr. Nguyen Manh Cuong, Deputy Head of Power System Development Department - Institute of Energy (Ministry of Industry and Trade) about new orientations and points in developing the national power development plan. 2021 - 2030 period, with a vision to 2045 (Power Plan VIII).

Dr. Nguyen Manh Cuong

Reporter: It is known that the Ministry of Industry and Trade is developing  Power Plan VIII at the request of the Government. So, when will the Ministry finish and submit the draft to the Government, Sir?

Dr. Nguyen Manh Cuong: Currently, the Government has approved the outline of Power Plan VIII and the task of making a national power development plan submitted by the Ministry of Industry and Trade. The deadline for completing  Power Plan VIII is by June 2020, so right from the beginning of 2019, the Ministry of Industry and Trade had to actively implement this task.

Reporter: Sir, is the direction to develop the Power Plan VIII different from the previous ones?

Dr. Nguyen Manh Cuong: There will be some basic differences in Power Plan VIII. The Power Plan VI, Power Plan VII and revised Power Plan VII still rely mainly on traditional power sources such as hydropower, thermopower, gas turbines, etc., while Power Plan VIII will be the one with recyclable energy.

Reporter: Over the last time, the capital arrangement for power projects encountered many difficulties, Power Plan VIII will raise the issue of attracting investment capital in building power sources and power grids, sir?

Dr. Nguyen Manh Cuong: There is a separate chapter on policy mechanism on capital, bidding for power projects, power transmission grids, etc. All issues on grid investment, power sources, capital, etc., are being summarized and prepared by the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the first draft is expected to be completed in June 2020. Accordingly, we will raise the hypothesis on the future investment costs of energy types, in case of either increase or decrease as well as the need for investment. Regarding investment attraction for grid construction, it will be applied by the  Law on Electricity, while the transmission grid will be undertaken by the National Power Transmission Corporation. Regarding socialization to attract investment in power lines, a separate mechanism shall be developed.

Reporter: In the current context, the source of hydropower has been exhausted, coal and gas thermal power is facing many difficulties in supply. So, in your opinion, how will the power structure in Power Plan VIII be and will the implementation of the nuclear power project be taken into account?

Dr. Nguyen Manh Cuong: Importing power will create a significant supply for Vietnam. As for renewable energy, we are encouraging this source to be developed into the power plan as much as possible. Currently, the percentage of renewable energy in the total power structure that the Ministry is studying on is at 10%, 20%, 50% and even 80% in the future. However, the specific ratio is still being calculated by the Energy Institute.

With nuclear power, this is a stable source, large capacity with cheap price. If we can perform the issue of safety well, it is not so worrying. We have always left the possibility of using nuclear power open, not completely close. In terms of policy, Power Plan VIII will promote the development of renewable energy to ensure the environment protection and lower and lower investment rates.

Reporter: Thank you!

1. Planning power development in order to:

- Forecast of power consumption demand in the period of 2021 - 2030, with consideration to 2045;

- Studying on options for power source and grid development, selecting projects with good economic - technical norms and being highly feasible, ensuring continuous and safe power supply for socio-economic development, national security and defense;

- Assessment of environmental impacts and preparation of strategic environmental reports in power development;

- Studying and proposing major solutions on mechanisms and policies for development of the power industry, organizing the implementation of plans and ensuring the sustainable development of the power industry.

2. VIII Power Plan shall ensure:

- Perform rational development among regions, between source and load;

- Priority is given to rational development of renewable energy;

- Economical and efficient use of power;

- Develop modern, smart power grids and ones to be connected with neighbouring countries;

- Developing the power market and encouraging all economic sectors to invest in developing power;

- Developing power to adapt to climate change, ensuring sustainable development and in line with the national strategy on green growth.

(Source: Decision No. 1264/QD-TTg dated  1 October, 2019 of the Prime Minister on approving the task of formulating Power Plan VIII)

  • 13/11/2019 12:29
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