Electricity plays an important role in the production and business results of Samsung Vietnam Complex

That is the affirmation of Mr. Choi Joo Ho - General Director of Samsung Vietnam Complex at a meeting with Northern Power Corporation (EVNNPC) on the afternoon of August 18, about stable, safe and reliable power supply with high quality for Samsung Vietnam factories in Bac Ninh and Thai Nguyen.

Mr. Choi Joo Ho said that in 2021, due to the complicated COVID-19 pandemic, many factories in Bac Ninh and Bac Giang industrial zones had to close, causing Samsung to disrupt the accessories supply chain. However, Samsung has overcome difficulties with the export turnover of Samsung Vietnam Complex in 2021 reaching USD 65.5 billion, accounting for 20% of Vietnam's total export turnover. In the first 7 months of 2022, total export turnover reached USD 39 billion, up 14% over the same period last year.

Mr. Choi Joo Ho - General Director of Samsung Vietnam Complex thanked EVNNPC for always accompanying and ensuring a stable power supply for Samsung Vietnam Complex

Also according to Mr. Choi Joo Hoo, to have the above results, it is impossible not to mention the companionship of the Vietnamese Government and the involvement of local authorities; especially the support of EVNNPC in supplying safe and reliable power, supporting Samsung to ensure production. At factories in Bac Ninh and Thai Nguyen, Samsung manufactures mobile phones as its main products, which meet 50% of global demand and are exported to 128 countries and territories around the world. Therefore, to ensure smooth production, the continuous power supply is the key factor.

Mr. Nguyen Duc Thien - EVNNPC General Director affirmed that EVNNPC will continue to supply Samsung with safe and stable power

Leaders of Samsung Vietnam Complex wish to continue to receive the companionship and support of the Power sector in general, and EVNNPC in particular in ensuring a safe and reliable power supply for production.

EVNNPC will continue to ensure a safe, continuous and stable power supply with the best quality for Samsung as well as its suppliers and satellite companies in the North.

  • 19/08/2022 11:01
  • evn.com.vn
  • 323