Power loss not allowed to exceed 2.15% on the transmission grid

That is information claimed by Mr. Luu Viet Tien - Deputy General Director of National Power Transmission Corporation (EVNNPT) when talking with evn.com.vn about the goal of managing power loss in 2020 of the Corporation.

In 2019, EVNNPT's power loss rate has reached 2.15%, the lowest figure since the establishment of the Corporation (in 2008) and fulfilled one year ahead of the plan assigned by Vietnam Electricity.

EVNNPT applying cleaning technology for porcelain insulators while being energized

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According to Mr. Luu Viet Tien, the current power loss rate on the transmission grid of EVNNPT is closely the same as the technique and equivalent to the power loss rate of the advanced countries in the world. Hence, in 2020, the Corporation has set a target of maintaining the power loss equivalent to 2019’s at 2.15%.

In order to continue the good implementation of this work, beside drastically implementing the above-mentioned solutions, EVNNPT will deploy an experimenting project of separating the grounding lightning for a 500kV and one 220kV lines so as to gain the analysis and assessment data on the impact of close-circuit grounding lightning protection in the power loss. 

The Corporation uses low power-loss conductors for wire replacement projects, increasing the load capacity for both new and existing lines. It is planned, step by step, to conduct equipping automatic devices to monitor and assess the status of main transmission grid devices to proactively prevent equipment incidents, improve safety, continuity and reliability in grid operation.

In addition, the Corporation will complete projects of equipping rooftop solar cells for self-consumption power, reducing the amount of self-consumption rate from the grid, contributing to reducing power loss  rate in subsequent years.

Power loss rate of EVNNPT in 5 recent years:







Power loss (%)






  • 06/04/2020 03:57
  • evn.com.vn
  • 331