Safely operating the power system, ensuring power supply for the country's socio-economic development and people's daily life

That is the direction of Chairman of Vietnam Electricity (EVN) Member Board - Duong Quang Thanh at the Business - Customer Service and Technical Management Conference 2022.


Chairman of EVN Member Board Duong Quang Thanh gives a speech at the conference

Speaking at the conference, Chairman of EVN Member Board Duong Quang Thanh said: In 2022 and the following years, EVN will face many difficulties and challenges. Therefore, the units need to ensure the safe, stable and continuous operation of power plants, power stations and control centers in the new normal condition by science and technology applying solutions, reducing the volume and number of work to be directly done in the field.

Leaders of EVN also asserted:

Power corporations need to develop plans to ensure power supply in case the economy recovers with high growth and extreme weather conditions affect the reserve of capacity and electricity of the power system, especially in the Northern region. Paying attention to and focusing on load predicting and grid overload prevention as well as actively working with customers to implement voluntary demand response (DR).

In addition, it is necessary to select specific targets and goals and develop an implementation plan to promote business and customer service on par with leading regional corporations and companies such as CSG - China, TEPCO - Japan, SP - Singapore, KEPCO - Korea.

Chairman of EVN Member Board Duong Quang Thanh asserted the units to apply science, technology and IT in 100% of customer service work to bring efficiency and convenience to the people, continue to take measures to reduce the time of access to electricity, shorten the time to carry out the Electricity procedures and propose and recommend ministries, branches and localities to shorten and simplify related procedures.

Regarding the technical management of power sources and power grids of EVN, the indicator system is increasingly being perfected. Performance indicators are also getting better and better, especially key indicators such as power plant availability, power loss and power supply reliability. Specifically, in 2021, EVN's total power loss decreased to 6.27%, 0.13% lower than the plan and 0.15% lower than 2020. Regarding the power supply reliability, the SAIDI index of all EVN decreased to 319 minutes, down 37 minutes compared to 2020 (EVNHCMC performed the best with the SAIDI index reduced to 42 minutes).

The rate of automation application in the power system is increasing with 100% of 110kV substations and 80% of 220kV substations being unmanned. Along with that, remote monitoring and control centers for power plants and substations were put into operation. Hotline repair has significantly improved labor productivity, reduced operation and customers' power cut-off time and reduced troubleshooting time. The online data collection has supported monitoring and evaluation more closely and accurately the operating status of the equipment.

Many collectives and individuals of EVN were commended at the conference for their excellent achievements in business - customer service and technical management:

Chairman of EVN Member Board Duong Quang Thanh awarded the EVN Certificate of Merit to 5 units with outstanding achievements in business and customer service targets in 2021.


EVN General Director Tran Dinh Nhan awarded the EVN Certificate of Merit to 10 units with excellent achievements in completing business and customer service targets and 5 units with excellent achievements in electricity bill collection in 2021


EVN General Director Tran Dinh Nhan awarded the EVN Certificate of Merit to 5 units with excellent achievements in reducing bad debts, 5 units with excellent achievements in electricity bill non-cash payment and 5 units with excellent achievements in providing online electricity services

EVN General Director Tran Dinh Nhan awarded the EVN Certificate of Merit to 5 units with excellent achievements in the implementation of e-contracts and 5 units with excellent achievements in improving the power supply reliability.

EVN General Director Tran Dinh Nhan awarded the EVN Certificate of Merit to 5 units with excellent achievements in reducing power loss and 5 units with excellent achievements in digital transformation in the fields of Operation Management and Business - customer service


EVN General Director Tran Dinh Nhan awarded the EVN Certificate of Merit to collectives with excellent achievements in technical management in 2021


EVN General Director Tran Dinh Nhan awarded the EVN Certificate of Merit to collectives with excellent achievements in technical management in 2021

  • 27/04/2022 07:58
  • 244